
2013-05-26 12:02 pm






回答 (3)

2013-05-27 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Rules to comply

I. While cycling, follow the instructions of the traffic signs, traffic lines and traffic signals on the road, as well as the instructions given by the traffic police officers.

II. Always cycle on the right of the designated motorcycle lane and do not pass ahead of the one cycling in front of you. If there is not a motorcycle lane, always cycle on the right of the road.

III. Do not cycle on the roads for motor vehicles and the pedestrian lanes. Getting across different kinds of roads and lanes on a bike is not allowed.

IV. The law has set limitations on the highest speed permitted for different types of vehicles driving on different types of roads.

2013-05-27 06:20:19 補充:
請將 II 的 motorcycle lane 改成 slow lane
請將 III 的 roads for motor vehicles 改成 fast lanes

2013-05-27 07:59:25 補充:
請將 IV 的 driving 改成 running
參考: 自己
2013-05-27 7:58 pm
A, shall comply with
(A)When riding a bicycle, follow road signs, marking, lights indicator, and obey traffic service command of the police.
(B)Riding a bike should be designated on the slow lane on the right sequence, and roads not designated local road, driving should be on the right side.
(C)Riding a bicycle may not invade the fast track or the pavement, and shall not be prohibited across the lot across the road.
(D)Road Traffic Act on different types of vehicles and roads, provided the highest.
2013-05-26 12:30 pm
一、應遵守事項 ->One, should comply with the

Riding a bicycle, you should comply with road traffic signs, markings, signals with the instructions, and obey the command of the police traffic duties.


(Two), bikes should be designated in the slow lane on the right-hand drive in sequence, without the slow lane of the road designation shall be on the right side of the road traveling.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:29:58
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