
2013-05-26 5:46 am


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回答 (2)

2013-05-26 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In essence, aurora is the atoms and molecules in the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere (100-200 km from the ground altitude) optical phenomena operation excitation. There are three elements: Earth's magnetic field, solar wind, atmospheric. The so-called "solar wind", is the sunThe aurora borealisA continuous radiation energy of the universe, it is composed of electrons and protons. Because of the intense solar activity, emit charged particle is numerous, when the scope of charged particles streaming into the earth into the earth's magnetic field, influenced by the earth's magnetic field, then along the earth's magnetic field lines to the north and south poles near the high-speed into the upper atmosphere, collision and atomic oxygen, nitrogen molecules and particles, resulting in the "eye of the storm" and the "visible" phenomenon, has become a high-profile "aurora".The year has superIceland Reykjavik nearby fjord appeared over the northern lightsThe year has over 200 days of Aurora

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