<超急>誰可以幫我中翻英這片文章>A< 20點

2013-05-25 5:36 pm

王氏得一夢,夢見南海觀世音大士賜服一粒仙丹,不久就身懷六甲,至宋太祖建隆元年(九六O年) 農曆三月二十三日亥時,有一道紅光自北而來,射入林夫人的房間,不久就誕生了海上之神-----天上聖母。由於她自出世 到滿月都沒有哭過,父親就為她取名為[默娘] 。




拜託 我很急 星期二要交

回答 (1)

2013-05-28 9:25 pm
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I would like to introduce is: Tachia Matsu
1. the origin of MazuMary Lin-Liang. Father forest good Samaritan good Samaritan, mother Wang has one male and five female. His son Lin Hongyi young ill as a couple people every 15 temple to temple to offer incense, wish I could have a child.Wong's dream, dreaming of nanhaiguanshiyin tuas thanks to take one of the elixir, and soon was pregnant, to songtaizujianlong the first year (96 years) lunar calendar March 23, the period of the day from 9p.m. to 11p.m., there is a red light came from the North, into the forest Lady's room, God of the sea was born soon-----mother in heaven. Full moon did not cry because she was born, his father was named for her [the mother].2. determined to save shipwreck
Silent mother 17 years old that year, Simon caught in Meizhou Island port there is a merchant ship encountered Typhoon, because the waves are high can't go to sea to rescue the villagers. Mother knew this thing, get to the beach, and fold into the sea grass in the dongzhen school in real time, the grass turned into many big cedar, the people on the boat drift with big Cedar road beach is safe.978 fall, implied mother of parent and the brother du Sea North in sea in the suddenly suffered storm, then implied mother Home Center has sense, real-time closed Yuan God out body for to sea saved fathers, but days destined to, robbed enan escape in emergency juncture, implied mother of mother see its looks weird, on loud put she wake implied mother woke up zhihou on weeping uncontrollably, said: (parent no thing, brother has died. ) Unfortunately things soon came that confirmed the mother say not false, since then mother's grandfather traveled the religious order, resolves to save all of the ships were lost at sea.


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