If a theist and an atheist walked into a bar...?

2013-05-24 3:31 am
...and theist said "I believe I'd like a nice cold beer", would the atheist say "I must have more proof than that"?

Oh, come on! You see, when the atheist says "proof", well, it could be...Jeez, never mind. I guess I'll not be appearing here between now and next Thursday. Try the veal. Or don't, what do I care....

回答 (10)

2013-05-24 3:32 am
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Maybe, and the best part is... there's proof on tap
2013-05-24 3:32 am
Your joke makes no sense.
2013-05-24 3:32 am
Wow. Bet that made a lot more sense in your head than it does since you've posted it.
2013-05-24 3:46 am
The proof would be me getting drunk, and I'm a bit of an angry drunk so my normal self control when discussing Religion goes out the window.
2013-05-24 3:49 am
The logical thing to do would be for the theist to buy a pint for both of them and PROVE 1) that the beer exists and 2) that he liked it.
As always, offer scientific, repeatable evidence and most people will agree.
2013-05-24 3:37 am
One who witnessed the incident can only give a right answer.
參考: own.
2013-05-24 3:33 am
No, because he's stating a belief in an opinion(?) and personal preference, and not a belief in an entity.
2013-05-24 3:33 am
No, since both beer and personal preferences can be shown to exist. The claim therefore is nothing like a claim that a God exists.
2013-05-24 3:45 am
"I believe I'd like a nice cold beer" ?
I'd never walk into a bar with a wan-ker.
2013-05-24 12:22 pm
Anti atheism is doing so much damage to Christianity that it is in reality anti Christianity – David Manley

It takes in reality only one to make a quarrel. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion. - William Ralph Inge.

Why so blind to what causes the backlash against Christianity?

ALL the other religions and atheists live in peace and are ONLY attacked by BAD Christians which causes all GOOD Christians to despair at the damage they do!

The self destruction of Christianity is underway and the only thing that can stop it is to abandon the terrible human emotions, seek to rediscover the idea of a loving god and act like it!

Posts like yours that drive people further away from God are driving you towards hell.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:57:27
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