4D and 5D circles

2013-05-23 8:29 pm
Prove that the hyper-volume for 4D circle and 5D circle are "(pi^2)(R^4)/2" and "8(pi^2)(R^5)/15" respectively.
Can anyone prove? Please do not search the answer from the internet.
Simon YAU.

回答 (4)

2013-05-25 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2013-05-25 6:14 pm
Simon YAU
2013-05-25 7:40 am
I think it is because that they could do this but they were disappointed by the 解答贈點.
2013-05-23 10:08 pm
唔好咁啦,D 高手未得閒0者……

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