
2013-05-24 1:38 am


關鍵詞: 文化、時代變化、社會現狀

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2013-05-24 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

This narrative film consists of unreal characters and events. To make it more realistic, the filming was done on the spot and a documentary style was adopted throughout the film.

The film depicts the story of two young people with completely different backgrounds and dreams meeting each other, loving each other and leaving each other in the metropolis of Taipei, where huge social and cultural changes were taking place. Overall, the film tries to bring out the situation and confusions of young people facing today through the relationship depicted in the film, and strike a chord with the audience of the same generation as the young lovers in the film, hence prompting them to reflect on themselves.

This thesis would briefly analyse the cultural differences and the gap between ideal and reality in the region it focuses on. It would also look into the meaning of the film's theme, record the filming activities of the film and discuss the significance of the production of the film.

Keywords: Culture, Changes with Time, Current Society
參考: 自己
2013-05-29 9:27 pm
Theme overview
This feature film made up of imaginary people and events, through field-production photo and the description of the documentary form to increase the realism of the film. Story chronicles the two had different backgrounds and the pursuit of the young lovers, socio-cultural change in Taipei, met, fell in love, farewell process through all the wrong persons feelings on social status and youth lost. Thrust would prefer to view rooms can have a sense of total generation, prompting reflection. This thesis to thesis embodies the cultural differences, real and ideal geographical differences analysis; and discusses the theme song, recorded shooting practice, and expressed understanding of the feature film.
Key words: culture, age, social status
2013-05-24 3:08 am
The Theme:-
---This feature film is made up of imaginary characters and events, through the field production documentary cinematography and the description of the documentary form to increase the realism of the film.
---The story has chronicled two youngsters who had different backgrounds and their pursuit of love;socio-cultural change in Taipei where they have met, fell in love, and separated phenomenon under circumstances through all the emotional personal feelings against social status and lost sight of the young lovers.
----The theme would prefer sense of contemporary viewers to show a sense of our young generation incident with a promp sense of reflection in the circumstance.
----This theme would also embody the cultural difference, real and ideal social differences occured to be analysed.
----The discussion on the theme meaning, on the recorded shooting, and on expressing their understanding of the featured film will be quite a phenomenon documented.
2013-05-24 2:17 am
The feature film by the imaginary characters and events that taken through field-cum-mining documentary film describing the form of increasing the sense of reality. Story chronicles the two have different backgrounds and the pursuit of the young lovers, social and cultural upheaval in Taipei, meet, fall in love, parting process; nothing came through this emotional elaborated various social status and youth confused. Subject prefer to view the same generation of passenger room can produce a sense, and thus lead to introspection. In this thesis, dissertation wishing to reflect geographical cultural differences differences between reality and the ideal Analysis; and discusses the theme meaning, and recording shooting practice, as well as express their understanding of feature films shot.


文化, 培養, 文, 文明, 斯文


文明, 文化, 文明社会


教育, 教学, 文化, 教养, 学术, 学问


文化, 读写能力


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參考: 書(慢慢查OWO

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