Is Capricorn creative and imaginative?

2013-05-22 3:39 am

回答 (4)

2013-05-22 3:53 am
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I'm sure they can be as can anyone else.

Hayao Miyazaki is a Capricorn and he is super imaginative and creative. Look at all the animated films he produced. The stories and their messages are great too. They are emotionally uplifting films and there is a lot of thought and symbolism put into them which I love.
2013-05-22 4:26 am
Capricorn .. you mean your zodiac sign? This is actually your Sun sign .. and you have 9 other planets. Not just your Sun sign.

Capricorn is an Earth sign .. it is down-to-earth, practical, realistic .. not given to flights of fancy or creativity or imagination.
But that is only your Sun. Sun represents how YOU need to be IF you are going to find self-fulfillment and feel whole and complete.

The other 9 planets represent different parts of your personality.
So if you have the planet Neptune very strong in your chart, you WILL be creative and imaginative.
If you have a large percentage of your planets in Water signs, you will be creative and imagination.
Mercury (represents how your mind works) can indicate if you are creative and imagination.
As can the 12th house in your chart (which represents your unconscious, and all creativity and imagination come from our unconscious).

You can tell very little using only the Sun sign.
2013-05-22 4:26 pm
depends on the rest of their chart?
2013-05-22 3:47 am
I am and I have Cap Moon, Rising, & Mercury... this could have to do w/ my Pisces Venus, though.

I've met Cap Sun females who are pretty artsy, as well.

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