Which sign is the most argumentative/pugnacious?

2013-05-22 3:32 am
Which sign is the most argumentative and goes looking for trouble the most? - Whom goes looking for feuds and heated arguments the most?
I am thinking Leo.

回答 (9)

2013-05-22 3:58 am
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參考: Leo
2013-05-22 3:48 am
Definitely Aries and Virgo, Aries because they love to challenge people's beliefs and ways of thinking, they're very blunt and straightforward people and loves to battle others mentally, Virgo is a very critical sign it self, so its easy for them to look for the flaws in everything and become discriminative towards it.
2013-05-22 3:41 am
Sagitarrius imo.

You can simply make a comment or observation about anything and they'll find a reason to refute it or argue it or make you look like a fool. I'm just like omg, be quiet!
2013-05-22 4:08 am
I have to go with the fire signs sorry I couldn't pick one also Scorpios.
2013-05-22 3:34 am
Out of every other SUN sign, I've noticed that TAURUS' love to argue... usually just for the sake of arguing. They keep arguing even when they know they're wrong. LOL!
參考: ~Aquarius~
2013-05-22 3:38 am
Definitely February Aquariuses.

☼ ᗩǫuɑ Ꮚɑѵεs - I think you really need to look up the definition of 'pugnacious'
2013-05-22 2:45 pm
Definitely Libra and Virgo.

They are the two most narcissistic signs I have seen so far. Just do it because they think they can get something out of it or become powerful, but they are wrong, real power is in being a moral person. Really disappointing.
2013-05-22 12:07 pm
I love to argue anything under the sun. I will argue for the sake of arguing even if I don't give a damn about the end result. In saying that I have found a scorpio to be quite argumentative and seems to outdo me. I won't usually get into a heated debate unless it's something I am quite passionate about though.
參考: aqua
2016-05-19 10:32 am
My rising sign is Capricorn- sextile my venus/pluto in Scorpio, conjunct my neptune in Capricorn, trine my moon in Gemini with saturn in Aquarius in the first house. Capricorn and saturn are associated with skin and bones. I have dry skin, but a great complextion. I have naturally strong, straight, well shaped, white teeth. I have never broken a bone or suffered an acne attack. I'm 5'7" and weigh enough to make me obese, but I have never been called "fat" by anyone. Capricorn rising has endowed me with being slender and well porportioned. I think the venus/pluto conjunction that sextiles my rising makes me look busty and big-hipped. I am often told that I have bedroom eyes, that they're very dark and steel-like, or that I look like I'm never there (dreamy neptune does this to me). Many of the people that I meet and befriend tell me that I'm intimidating. I tend to stare into people, rather than at people and I like to cross the line to see where the limits lie. I have both bold Scorpio and inquisitive Gemini to thank for my frequent inquisitions. When I start working on something, I won't stop until it's done. I've been called OCD because I tend to be a control freak and can't stand it when something is not done a certain way. I usually get my way and have a hard time accepting when I don't. If I'm really set on getting what I want, I work for it or manipulate the hell out of the people I need to get it. Needless to say, I keep few and very loyal friends. I'm very independant and enjoy being alone. I think the rising sign, it's aspects, and the planets in signs that aspect it influence both the personality and the physical self.

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