
2013-05-21 9:17 am



回答 (5)

2013-05-21 5:08 pm
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Hello Joanne, 也讓Panda try try ㄅ; 如下: 看著母親孤伶伶的坐在那裡,才感覺到母親已經老了。Watching Mother sitting there in solitude had made me realize just how much she had aged. *In solitude = 孤獨 覺得我自己很不孝,老是講話忤逆她。I felt terrible about being disrespectful, always going against her will. *disrespectful = 不尊敬 希望有幫助…
參考: Panda靈活翻譯社
2013-05-21 5:22 pm
Watching mother sat all alone in there, feel the mother is old, consider myself very impiety, always speaks of disobedience to her.
2013-05-21 4:27 pm
As I watched my mother sitting there alone, it struck me that she was old now.
I knew that I didn't respect her as I should; I went against her often.

Note: 在英語裏面,"filial"是個不常見的詞。
參考: 英語是我的母語
2013-05-21 3:49 pm
希望有幫助到您 !

Seeing on mother lonely sit at there,
just feel to mother already old,
realize myself very no piety,
allways is speaking talk to insult and reverse her.
2013-05-21 10:15 am
Watching my mother sitting alone there, I suddenly realize that she is old now. I feel bad about myself always retorting her. I'm really an unfilial son/daughter.
參考: 自己

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