
2013-05-22 3:01 am



先謝謝各位m(_ _)m

回答 (7)

2013-05-22 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I want to stop a session class, because my class is so heavy that I can't control.
2013-05-22 6:43 am
I want to drop the oral course because I can't handle the workload of all courses I'm taking now.
參考: 我
2013-05-22 5:54 am
If take 002 for your answer, you English teacher would probably agree that you don't even need to take his class, hahaha...
2013-05-22 5:37 am
Notes:-(1)drop an English oral conversation class;
-----------(2)beyond my control;

---I want to drop an English oral conversation class because my courses are so heavy that it is beyond my control !
2013-05-22 4:52 am
I want to stop to repair conversation class because my class is too heavy , I can not grasp.
2013-05-22 4:18 am

1. drop (vt) a class = 停休某一個課程
2. bit more than I can chew = 因為太多...而無法應付(自找的)

I bit more than I can chew and am thinking about dropping the English Conversation class.

2013-05-21 23:26:17 補充:
For the priest, then I should have said:

I've got more than I prayed for and I need to drop my knees to...
2013-05-22 3:16 am

"I want to stop to repair conversation class because my class is too heavy, I can not grasp."

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