
2013-05-21 11:52 am
Not Your Mothers Rules Girls Tip- Here is what our latest just-got-married RulesGirl wrote to us !!

"Sherrie IS a miracle worker- and the two of you together Move Mountains!! What a combo you both are- God knows how desperately I needed to CHANGE MY HAIR, Clothes, jewelry, makeup, behavior, etc!! YOU BOTH SAW ALL THAT IMMEDIATELY!! What WORK you did for me !"
Thanks- we are thrilled for her!! -E

Not Your Mothers Rules Girl Tip- Congrats to our 59 yo, RulesGirl who booked consults- and took the Rules School contacted us to say "we were married at the rabbi's office in Aspen on April 18, 2013"
BIG CONGRATS!! She did every Rule and used our Text back time chart and held on, not "texting when she felt like it" -E


回答 (3)

2013-05-22 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not Your Mothers Rules Girls Tip- Here is what our latest just-got-married RulesGirl wrote to us !!
"Sherrie IS a miracle worker- and the two of you together Move Mountains!! What a combo you both are- God knows how desperately I needed to CHANGE MY HAIR, Clothes, jewelry, makeup, behavior, etc!! YOU BOTH SAW ALL THAT IMMEDIATELY!! What WORK you did for me !"
Thanks- we are thrilled for her!! -E
"雪麗真是一個奇蹟創造者-妳們的合作讓奇蹟發生,真是完美的組合。天知道我拼命的想要改變我的髮型,穿著,珠寶配件,化妝,言行舉止..等!! 而妳們馬上就看到我想要的一切!! 妳們為我所做的真是棒極了!"
Not Your Mothers Rules Girl Tip- Congrats to our 59 yo, RulesGirl who booked consults- and took the Rules School contacted us to say "we were married at the rabbi's office in Aspen on April 18, 2013"
BIG CONGRATS!! She did every Rule and used our Text back time chart and held on, not "texting when she felt like it" -E
非妳老媽規則之女孩撇步--恭喜我們的59歲規則女孩, 她曾參與諮商也曾參加規則課程,她告訴我們" 她在4/18/2013那天 在Aspen的rabbi辦公室結婚了"
非常恭喜她! 她實踐了每個規則並跟隨我們的回簡訊時間表指示,在"她很想要回簡訊時忍住"--小艾
2013-05-22 1:50 pm
2013-05-21 3:50 pm
Wow, of all the things in the world you could be reading, you're trying to read
and understand this? It's just some idiotic bull crap about doing all of this
stupid stuff to get a guy to like you... here's a tip, it won't work.

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