Why do people call Hitler a racist while he never used the term 'racist' or Rassist ?

2013-05-20 3:58 pm
He rather used 'Volkisch' term instead of Rassist ,so it's to me baseless to call him racist because even hitler himself didnt consider himself or his movement a racist movement but rather a Volkisch movement and volkish is a german term that doesnt translate into english as racist.

回答 (8)

2013-05-20 4:07 pm
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So, he did not use the term "racist". Your logic is faulty. It is like saying that if a girl does not say "I am a daughter", then she is not a daughter. Racists generally do not go around saying "I am a racist".

You know perfectly well that Hitler considered the German "race" (there is no such thing) as the "master race".

In the end, it does not matter what he said: he had 10 million people murdered because he deemed them "inferior".

Stop using semantics to defend Hitler.
2013-05-20 4:07 pm
What you just said... makes no sense.
He probably didn't consider himself a psychopathic mass murderer yet he murdered millions.
2013-05-20 4:09 pm
this oxford definition seems to think it also means racist
2013-05-20 4:00 pm
Jews are not a race your arguments invalid
2016-05-20 1:10 am
Evil has many names throughout history, Perhaps they'd prefer ... Xerxes Dionysius Qin Shi Huang Julius Caesar Herod the Great Caligula Nero Commodus Justinian Wu Zetain Al-Hakim King John Genghas Khan Muhammed Tughlak Tammerlane Vlad "The Impaler" Cesare Borgia Selim the Grim Ivan the Terrible Bloody Mary Oliver Cromwell Maximillian Robespierre Napoleon Jose Rodriguez de Francia Shaka Zulu Idi Amin Pol Pot Slobodan Milosevic Juan Perone "Papa Doc" Duvalier and many other Tyrants.
2013-05-21 12:09 pm
kettle calling the pot black.

Hitler preached for peace and equality. During the Hitler Youth rally, he states;-

“And we want that you, German boys and girls, to absorb everything that we wish for Germany. We want to be one people and through you, to become this people. We want a society with neither castes nor ranks and you must not allow these ideas to grow within you”.
參考: Hitler nazi social policies.
2013-05-20 11:32 pm
No racist, xenophobe or prejudiced person would call themselves that... he killed thousands of people just because they were not Arians or they were Jews... you think by yourself...
2013-05-20 4:01 pm
Racist is the incorrect term to use, people should be saying that he discriminated against others! Racist is verbal abuse where as discriminating is taking a physical action against someone

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