A colony of bacteria.....?

2013-05-20 8:32 am
........grows according to the formula N(t)=100e^(1.2t) where t is the time in hours.

A - How many bacteria are there after 5 hours?
B - How long does it take the population to double?
C - How long ago was the population half it's present value?

回答 (2)

2013-05-20 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
N(t) = 100e^(1.2t)

When t = 5,
N(t) = 100e^(1.2 * 5) = 100e^6

2), 3)
Q2 and Q3 are asking the same thing, in different words though.

2N(t1) = N(t2)
2 * e^(1.2t1) = e^(1.2t2)
ln2 = 1.2t2 - 1.2t1
(ln2)/1.2 = t2 - t1

Therefore, it takes (ln2)/1.2 hour.
2013-05-20 3:32 pm

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