
2013-05-20 8:26 am

D:我想來點刺激的。我們去蹦極! (註:蹦極=高空彈跳 ,此註不用翻譯)

回答 (3)

2013-05-20 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
A: Oh dear, we will be graduating soon. Should we have a graduation trip?
B, C: Sure! (D, E nod)
A: I want to go to the beach! I want to wear my bikini!
B: Well, I prefer the outer islands.
C: I think summer is a great time for playing water sports. But I just worry that I will be tanned afterwards...
D: I'm looking for something exciting. Let's go bungy jumping.
E: Well then, let's discuss a few destinations first before we vote for our favourite destination.
A: I suggest Kenting.
B: How about the Little Liuqiu and Penghu?
D: Macau! There's the highest bungy in the world.
C: Macau?! We're going outside Taiwan?
B: To be precise, the outer islands also include places outside Taiwan. Don't they?
E: I think we'd better do a bit of research on the four places we mentioned to see how we can plan our trip now. We may vote next week as well.
A: I will find more about Kenting then.
B: Leave Little Liuqiu to me.
C: I will do Penghu.
D: So I will be responsible for Macau.
E: What about me? Don't leave me out there.
D: Then join me. We can work on Macau together.
E: Okay!
A: Great! So we will continue our discussion next Monday.
參考: 自己
2013-05-20 7:26 pm
A: Graduate fast! we want to plan a trip?B、C:Yeah! Yeah! (D, e, nod)A: I want to go to the beach, I want to wear a bikini!B: I want to go to the outer islands.C: I think the summer is quite suitable for playing in the water, just to come back into a small black ...D: I want some excitement. We went bungee jumping! (Note: bungee jumping = bungee jumping, this note without translation)E: we'll discuss several locations, good, and then a vote.A: I propose to Kenting.B: Island and Penghu.D: Macau, where the bungee are the highest in the world!C: Macau?! Wow going abroad?B: abroad are in the outer islands is!E: or we can find out the four parts of the trip planning, vote again next weekA: then I'll find Kenting travel Hello!B: I'm looking for the island.C: I'm planning in Penghu.D: I look for Macau.E: what I'm looking for?D: Macau well with me.E:OK!A: the next week another discussion Hello!
2013-05-20 9:07 am
A: graduate soon! Whether or not to do a graduation trip?
B, C: Well Well! (D, E nod)
A: I want to go to the beach, I want to wear a bikini!
B: I want to go to the outer islands.
C: I think the summer full fit to play in the water, and only come back to become a small black ...
D: I wanted to point stimulation. We went bungee jumping! (Note: bungee = bungee jumping, this Note without translation)
E: Let's discuss a few locations, and then vote.
A: I propose to go to Kenting.
B: How Xiaoliuqiu or Penghu.
D: Macau, where bungee jumping is the highest in the world!
C: Macau?! Traveling abroad Oh?
B: abroad can be considered the outer islands!
E: or let's look up four places trip planning how next week and then vote to decide the place of
A: I find Kenting trip Hello!
B: I to find Xiaoliuqiu.
C: I am planning to Penghu.
D: I am looking for Macau.
E: What I'm looking for what?
D: with me to find Macau.
E: OK!
A: That next week to discuss Hello!


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