英文翻譯 介紹手機

2013-05-21 5:52 am
隨著科技的發展,手機不再只是拿來打電話而已,手機的功能越來越多樣化,我要介紹一款智慧型手機,Samsung NOTE II,它擁有4核心的處理器,5.5吋HD觸控式螢幕,800萬畫素的照相機,和附一支專屬的觸控筆,尺寸長151mm,寬80mm,厚度9.4mm,重量180公克,它的功能除了打電話、傳簡訊、照像、聽音樂之外,還有像是利用網路瀏覽網頁,觀看youtube,或使用Facebook, 附加的觸控筆能在螢幕上塗鴉或記事,使用GPS定位,變成導航器,或去Google Market下載程式,裡面包含許多種類的程式,例如遊戲、攝影、財經、運動、社交等,這台手機目前售價$18000



回答 (2)

2013-05-21 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
With technology advancement these years, the functions of mobile phones are becoming more and more diversified, and not confined to making phone calls anymore.

In the following time, I will talk about a mobile phone that has diversified functions, which is called Samsung NOTE II. The Samsung NOTE II has a 4-core processor, a high-definition touch screen that is 5.5 inches long diagonally, an 8 million pixels camera and a tailor-made touch pen for itself.

With length of 151 millimetres, width of 80 millimetres, thickness of 9.4 millimetres and weight of 180 grams, the Samsung NOTE II can carry out basic functions like making calls, messaging, taking photos and playing music, as well as more advanced ones like visiting websites, watching videos on Youtube and using Facebook. Moreover, it allows users to draw or jot notes on the screen using its special touch pen. Drivers may find it useful too as it contains a GPS system for navigation. Last but not least, users of this phone may go to the Google Market, which has myriads of apps ranging from games to social tools. They could customize their phone by downloading their favourite applications from Goggle Market and make their phone unique.

Now, this superb phone sells for only $18000. It would be a good investment as it really makes life easier and better. So consider it if you are thinking of buying a new phone.

Thank you.
參考: 自己
2013-05-21 5:25 pm
As technology of development, phone no longer just took to called just, phone of features increasingly diversification, I to describes a paragraph smart type phone, Samsung NOTE II, it has 4 core of processor, 5.5 inches HD touch screen, 8 million painting pigment of camera, and attached a support exclusive of touch controlled pen, size long 151mm, wide 80mm, thickness 9.4mm, weight 180 public grams, it of features except called, and pass newsletter, and as like, and listen music zhiwai, There is to use the Internet to surf the Web, watch YouTube or Facebook, can attach a stylus graffiti or notes on the screen, using GPS positioning, Navigator, or download programs to Google Market, which contains many kinds of programs, such as games, photography, finance, sports, social, this phone is priced at $18000

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:28:25
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