out of sign opposition/square in synastry?

2013-05-20 3:13 am
do you feel thest aspects still work if they are out of sign? how many orbs?
does opposition 5 orb wide, but out of sign still have it's influence?

回答 (2)

2013-05-20 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is a good question as astrology is based upon ones opinion.

I do believe that the hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) still have an effect even when they are 'out of sign' aspects. The angles that planets make to each other is what gives energy to those tough hard aspects. Hence I call them life lessons as these are the aspects that need the most work in this lifetime.

The easy aspects of sextile and trine are based upon karmic rewards from a previous lifetime(s) and these easy aspects most often find us very comfortable regarding the energy of the two planets involved.

So yes I do feel that the 'out of sign' or sometimes called 'imperfect' square or opposition still has an effect even with a 5 degree orb. I think the signs involved make the square/opposition slightly easier as the signs are compatible.

For example I have a Capricorn Mercury/Scorpio Neptune square that is 'out of sign' (or 'imperfect'). I still have the personal discontent of the square energy, but the Capricorn and Scorpio are compatible being earth (Capricorn) and water (Scorpio). This is what makes the imperfect aspect slightly 'easier' to overcome (hopefully).

Due to the Scorpio Energy and the Capricorn Energy I believe this gives me an easier time than if it were in actual square signs (Scorpio and Aquarius...Leo and Scorpio...Capricorn and Libra...Capricorn and Aries).

I still have trouble at times understanding myself and how I 'see' things as Mercury rules communication and Neptune rules spirituality/karma/creativity. I am grateful for those signs (Scorpio and Capricorn) because both are quite observant and nothing is too insignificant to notice.

Neptune also rules escapism and devious actions so making sure I am seeing what is actually THERE is tough for me. I am too subjective and it often takes an objective person to explain 'things' to me. Not an easy square as it is tough to doubt one's own thinking which in turn makes communication more difficult.

LOL my answer is rather descriptive of the Mercury/Neptune square. Oh well, I guess I am going to have to 'return to earth' to keep working on it! Oh the discontent when 'words' don't flow as I would like. And when others don't understand my perception too.

So yes an out of sign aspect still has energy and influence but not quite the full dose of a perfect square. I am rather liberal with orbs at times because when you use a tiny orb of, say 3 degrees perhaps, there aren't many angles to work with and this is too limiting for me. Whatever floats your boat.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-03-08 5:37 pm
Aspects are the angles drawn between the planets' positions to each other. Conjunct means they are apparently occupying the same space in the heavens. It is like a marriage of the principles that each planet represents. Opposition is what is says, 180 degrees apart. Conflict between the principles represented by the 2 planets, they are at war. Square 90 degrees, means tension: the principles of one dominate over the other, which is represses. But they can switch back and forth. Trine, 120 degrees, means energy flows freely between the principles and they enhance each other. Sun Conj Moon - inner self and outward personality are combined. A strong character. Sun Conj Venus - inner self and relationship with others combined. A person who lives through their relationships. Sun opp Saturn - inner self is in conflict with the principles of discipline, restriction. A person battles self expression., who hates boundaries, fights authority. Or who finds it hard to find maturity and leadership within themselves. Could have health or money problems. Sun sq Neptune - strong fantasy life, drawn to art, theatre, poetry, releigion, escapism, sensitive to medicicnal or recreational drugs or psychic world but a natural with healing, meditation and posiitve spirituality.. SUn trine MC - excellent placement for career, public life.

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