How is Asian culture differ from Western?

2013-05-19 10:45 pm
For us westerners,

How is Asian culture differ from Western? And what do you think of Asian culture?

回答 (2)

2013-05-20 12:04 am
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It is difficult to grasp what you mean by "Asian" since cultures vary greatly from East Asia to West Asia. So I'll assume you meant Oriental (East Asian) for that one.

Western civilization and culture has its foundations in Germanic Christianity and Greco-Roman paganism whilst Oriental civilization's religions are much more philosophical in their approach (Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism). Though both civilizations are becoming less religious so you could count that out.

They differ linguistically and alphabetically, Orientals mainly have logograms ("Chinese characters") and Westerners use an (latin) alphabet. And while on the one hand the Occident shares a common linguistic family (the indo-european family), the Orient on the other hand has various language families which are widely spoken a country after another (Sino-Tibetan in China, Tai-Kadai in Thailand, Korean, and Japonic to name a few).

The same thing goes for genetics. Europeans more-or-less cluster with each other. Same for Orientals, albeit the fact that other groups such as the Koreans, Manchus, and Japanese are far more isolated that say Britons, French, and Germans.

Huge differences in terms of cuisine, customs, art, music, etc...too.

On an interesting note, many people criticise East Asians for being 'racist' because they generally admire light, fair features on individuals. The explanation given by East Asians is that it has nothing to do with racism and that the preference stems from the fact that being light-skinned was a sign of nobility in ancient times. Poor people who worked the land got suburned and therefore had a darker skintone than their lords.
In reality, this is also the case for Europe. The term 'blue-blood', for instance, comes from the Spanish gentry & nobility (Hidalgo) which never worked and stayed in their castles and assorted residences. The result was that nobles were so light-skinned that their veins were blue, showing one's veins became a common way of proving noble aristocratic descent.

No difference there, but being pale-skinned was a sign of beauty in Europe for a very long time. Just like it is in Asia today. Now Western society has totally dropped these notions for fear of racism, something that the Orientals did not drop. Yet another difference to add, and this time it's the West that's trying to give up an old custom.

You'll find tons of differences, you are talking about two peoples who, while having been separated and isolated by landmass, have both developed advanced societies on two peripheral, opposite sides of Eurasia.

That is, in my opinion, the most striking thing about the two. One can easily argue that Britain is Europe's Japan (both island nations), that China is East Asia's France, or vice versa.
2013-05-19 10:49 pm
In brief, the Asian culture is more reserved than western cultures.
2013-05-20 10:18 am
Asian eat generally healthier than Western.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:49:10
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