How do you understand the concept of Trinity?

2013-05-19 3:19 pm
How do you know that your concept is true?

I am surprised that Yahoo sells the crap under our questions. The link under the question " Is God Trinity?" is from false teaching and I do not subscribe to it.


I am surprised that Yahoo sells the crap under our questions. The link under the question " Is God Trinity?" is from false teaching and I do not subscribe to it.

回答 (11)

2013-05-19 3:22 pm
The trinity is not logical.
It goes against all the laws of nature that we are aware of.
It certainly is not Biblical.
Even those who are for it, refer to it as a "divine mystery".
It is not however, a mystery.
It is a lie.
2013-05-19 3:28 pm
The Trinity is the central doctrine of most religions of Christendom. According to the Athanasian Creed, there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than another, each said to be God, and yet together being but one God. Other statements of the dogma emphasize that these three “Persons” are not separate and distinct individuals but are three modes in which the divine essence exists. Thus some Trinitarians emphasize their belief that Jesus Christ is God, or that Jesus and the Holy Ghost are Almighty God.
You have to study the Bible for yourself - makes no sense to me after examining the Bible.
參考: The Bible
2013-05-20 4:37 am
God ....get ready ill be back are u ready yet?????????
2013-05-19 3:37 pm
I do not understand the concept of the Trinity.
I understand it is one God with three parts. The Father, Son, and Holy spirit. Much like water can be a Gas,Liquid,and solid.

Still confusing.
2013-05-19 3:31 pm
1 person = 3 person
2013-05-19 3:25 pm
You don't understand it its supposed to confuse you or else you might start asking questions....anyway the trinity is jesus the son g-d the fatger and the holy sprit which is something of a guide for us....their all g-d....if your confused your not alone but that's what christians believe
2013-05-19 3:24 pm
One being in three persons.

And somehow this is not a violation of monotheism.

It makes no sense to me at all, I'll just stick with what the Bible says.
2013-05-19 3:23 pm
It is only if you have an unwavering belief in a religious teaching that started when you were young and very impressionable. Your mind is a sponge. Others teach you what they want you to believe.

It can't be tested, it can't be proven, but it can make your life miserable if you don't separate fact from fiction.
2013-05-19 3:48 pm
God is God. God is able to do things beyond the comprehension of fallen man.
God manifests Himself in the flesh - The Lord Jesus Christ.
God manifests Himself in the hearts of believers, as the Holy Spirit.

The easiest way to understand the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is to understand that water, ice and steam have different functions, different purposes, but are the same thing.
2013-05-19 3:41 pm
If you're a christian, then today of all days (Pentecost/Shavuot) should be a time when you are very experientally reminded that is true, because as you yearn for the Holy Spirit, He will come. Intellectually it is harder to grasp, for sure, but then do we say Quantum Mechanics is not true, just because most people can't understand it? The Trinity concept is supported by the New Testament, and some indications of it from before then. Experientally easier to grasp.

Come Down O Love Divine...

Here is love vast as the ocean...
2013-05-19 3:25 pm
Jesus tells us so. During His forty day tour of The Jerusalem. With His final words to the Apostles. And also many other times with His Apostles.

God Bless Ya,
Chicago Bob

There is more joy in Jesus in one day.
Than there is in the World 365/24/7
I know, I tried them both.
Numbers 6:24-26
參考: Jesus

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