中文翻譯英文 (15點)

2013-05-19 10:14 pm
人並不是完美的 都有可能會犯錯 最重要的是我們的態度 犯錯了就因該立即道歉
而不是為自己找藉口 我們因該從中去學習了解自己為何犯錯 是不是哪裡做得不夠好 以防下次再度發生 就如同亨利先生所說的

回答 (3)

2013-05-19 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We are not born perfect. All of us, even the saints, would err some of the times in our life. However, what matters most is our attitude - we should apologize promptly, but not making excuses for ourselves when we have done something wrong.

Just as Mr Henry said "We should look deeply into ourselves to understand why we err and see what we did not well enough, so as to avoid making the same mistake next time."
參考: 自己
2013-05-20 7:46 pm
People are not perfect there are probably the most important mistake that we made a mistake should apologize immediatelyInstead of excuses, from which we should learn for themselves about why they made a mistake is doing well enough to prevent the next repetition just as Sir Henry said,
2013-05-20 5:03 pm
女王大您好, 也讓Panda try try ㄅ, 如下: 人並不是完美的 都有可能會犯錯 最重要的是我們的態度 None of us are born perfect, and are likely to make mistakes; what really counts is our attitude. *none of us = 沒有人 *likely = 很有可能 *what really counts = 最重要的 犯錯了就因該立即道歉, 而不是為自己找藉口.Immediate apology is a must upon making a mistake, rather than finding excuses for ourselves. *immediate apology = 立刻道歉 *a must = 必需的 我們因該從中去學習了解自己為何犯錯, 是不是哪裡做得不夠好, 以防下次再度發生, 就如同亨利先生所說的.We should learn to understand the reasons for our mistakes and examine our flaws in order to prevent them from happening again, much like what Henry said. *examine our flaws = 看看自己哪裡做得不夠好 *沒有照翻 Mr.Henry, 因為Henry是first name, 只有last name前面需要加 Mr. 希望有幫助

2013-05-20 20:02:03 補充:

如講求正確文法,none of us後面應該是用 is 來接 none,但在美國are 跟 is都大有人用,較口語化。
參考: Panda靈活翻譯社

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