
2013-05-20 1:39 am
我們要介紹重要的東西 可是我怕我翻譯的錯誤率高




但這個樂器也非常難演奏好,所以練習它真的很辛苦,但最重要的是它也讓我有機會也有能力在舞台上演奏! 而且會演奏這樣一個稀有的樂器,真的讓我感覺很驕傲!

大該翻了前幾句話 不曉得對不對...
The instrument in the photo is called "xx" a four-stringed Chinese lute which......

然後如果有些地方很難翻譯 只要翻成意義文法正確就好


回答 (2)

2013-05-20 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The musical instrument in the photo is called "xx", a four-stringed Chinese lute which has been with me four years while I was studying at elementary school. Although I no longer play it now, it is still of great meaning to me.

I joined the Chinese orchestra when I was a third year elementary student. In the orchestra, I met a lot of friends who also played the same instrument as me. Since the Chinese lute was not very popular at that time, I felt that I was a special one, and was so happy of being a member of the orchestra playing this rare instrument together with others.

As the Chinese lute is very difficult to master, I had a hard time in practising it. Even so, I kept on playing because it gave me lots of precious opportunities of performing on the stage. I felt empowered and proud of myself while I was doing my stage performance.

Playing the Chinese lute has much livened up my elementary school life. Therefore, here, I would want to tell to my dear lute ''Thanks for being my companion for four years. These four years are one of the best time in my life ever.''


2013-05-19 18:50:27 補充:
I would want to tell my dear lute(沒有 to)
參考: 自己
2013-05-20 7:49 pm
Musical instruments in this picture is called "XX", is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument, is stayed with me through the primary partner of four years.And it means a lot to me, although I don't play it anymore.

The third grade joined the country band, let me make this instrument plays an instrument with many friends have let me have that very few people would have a skill, so during this period of time I have had a very happy, together with a group of friends of music which is not a lot of people playing the musical instrument. Our musical instruments for the media, class for four years and encouraged every student in the class, and efforts to learn a musical instrument, then performing with and named after the game, everyone is so proud of his musical instruments, too.

However, this instrument is very difficult to play well, so practice it really very hard, except for individual exercises, also followed the Orchestra practiced for hours each week, but the most important thing is practice time is very difficult, but that it also gives us an opportunity to stage play! My favorite musical instrument playing partner and fellow on stage performing, really extremely happy, would also like to thank the partners!

Finally, I would like once again to thank my instrument, my primary life more special and more colorful than most people, I also have a lot of Music Foundation, would play such a rare instrument really makes me very proud, learn musical instruments during this time was the most exciting of my present life!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:28:17
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