急!! 有關香港特區護照問題! 跪求解答!!!!T_T

2013-05-19 5:59 am
我今日收到張護照領取通知書 話5/27-7/29內去拎 但我就係咁岩5/27朝早8點幾機>< 我可唔可以係5/27前拎架?

另外聽講快證既最快可以第二日就攞到 但佢發左領取通知書俾我 我可以轉搞快證嗎?

求求大家幫幫我 解答下我既問題 thank you T^T

回答 (3)

2013-05-20 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. You can try, but no guarantee.

Due to the fact that the passport is produced in Wan Chai, it will take time to deliver to the office you selected for pick up (except Wan Chai).

So they are not always available early.

2. No. Expedited processing is available. However:

a. You must have a compelling reason with proof of document why you can't get your passport in normal mean;

b. The request must be made when you apply (so that your application will be handled in a expedited manner).
2013-05-19 6:49 am
2013-05-19 6:11 am
同佢講改去灣仔拎, 24-25號去問應該會有.

下次唔該提早做証, 有傳聞有 d 老土國家話護照有效期前3後3都唔受.

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