
2013-05-18 9:11 am



回答 (7)

2013-05-18 4:50 pm
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如果您這句話是以聖經馬太福音18:6為背景:Matthew 19:6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."


I believe strongly that no one shall separate us; otherwise God would not have joined us together. (由於要保留“除非”一詞,此翻譯多多少少帶點中式英語的味道)

2013-05-18 08:51:17 補充:

2013-05-18 18:23:17 補充:
再一次仔細檢查之後,發現“joined together”的翻譯十分不恰當。特在此向版主致歉。

在我所引用的經文中,“joined us together”的意思是“結合”;換句話說,是用在已婚夫妻關係上。與版主的原意有違。比較合適的翻譯是“...brought us together”。
2013-05-18 5:52 pm
I believe strongly
that no one will separate us
otherwise (adv)
the joined-together result
would not have happened,
but for God's sake.
(The subjunctive mood without "If".)
2013-05-18 3:59 pm

這句話, 前半部是直說語氣, 後半部是與過去事實相反的假設語氣.
也就是說, 如果翻譯時沒把後半部以假設語氣來處理, 就是錯誤了.


I firmly trust that nobody can put us apart, or God wouldn't have made
us meet.

2013-05-18 08:09:00 補充:
別想得那麼深奧, YT大師建議移除「風水世家裏面講的」字樣, 只是希望把英文問題回歸英文, 免得讓許多網友因恐涉及不夠專業的領域而怯於回答而已.
參考: 羅莉: 文法+語感
2013-05-18 2:55 pm
I firmly believe that no one can separate us, God will not arrange the two of us recognize

參考: 我
2013-05-18 10:14 am
I never believe that there is anyone who can make us part. If there is, God will surely not let us meet each other.

2013-05-18 02:22:02 補充:
(。・д・。)フ We are too stupid to understand Mr Tsai. There is a hidden English message in his post indeed, which we can comprehend only if we have high enough intelligence to decode it.

2013-05-18 07:54:22 補充:
I have never believed that there is anyone who can make us part. If there is, God will surely not let us meet each other.

改成present perfect tense來強調從未相信過有人能分開我們的事實。
參考: 自己
2013-05-18 9:35 am
I think Mr. Tsai is trying to say something...I just can't quite put my finger on it.

His expertise is English and yet he can achieve such without saying a word of English while employing tactics for national security and military.

Darn...that is something I must learn.

2013-05-18 09:04:49 補充:
I truly believe that no one could break us apart. Otherwise, fate wouldn't have brought us together to begin with.

因為 God 在西方文化是代表上帝
所以我覺得英文內把老天爺翻成 fate 比較恰當˙
再說˙ Fate brought us together 是美國人常說的一句話˙

你可以自己把 Fate 換成 God

2013-05-18 09:09:03 補充:
Could vs. Can

用 could 表示懷疑性質或是詢問性質
2013-05-18 9:23 am



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