How would I come across to a stranger according to my chart?

2013-05-18 7:45 am

回答 (2)

2013-05-20 12:09 am
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Our Rising Sign (aka Ascendant, cusp of 1st House) is how we act when meeting someone new. Our Rising also rules our personality and our personal appearance.

You have a Virgo Rising which most often finds one rather introverted when first meeting someone new but you also have Jupiter in Libra in the 1st House which gives you a rather outgoing and friendly personality. You may be a rather tall or have weight issues as Jupiter in the 1st often 'expands' what it touches as Jupiter is our largest planet. The Great Gas Giant and The Greater Fortune are other 'names' for Jupiter. So I feel you would initially be rather outgoing, though polite, since Jupiter is in Libra and Libra tends to make for friendly vibes and many natural beauties have Libra in the 1st House too.

You have several aspects, both hard and easy, to Jupiter from the other planets which modifies the energy of Jupiter. Jupiter Trine Moon is an easy aspect giving you a kind and gentle soul. This shows a karmic reward for something done especially well in a previous lifetime. However you have a few life lessons with the hard aspects of Jupiter.

You have a T-Square (look at your chart and see the red triangle with your Cancer Mars squaring both Jupiter and your Aries Sun/Venus conjunction and then Jupiter is in opposition to your Sun/Venus conjunction) which means this is a significant issue for you to work on in this lifetime.

Be watchful of a tendency to anger as Mars square Jupiter means that when you are angry the Jupiter Energy actually increases your anger (Jupiter expands everything it touches). And with Jupiter in opposition to your Sun (your nature) you might tend to come off as a know-it-all at times as Jupiter always rules knowledge. An opposition is a hard relationship aspect so in relationships always give others a chance to speak and learn to compromise and cooperate as this will greatly ease any relationship that you have.

Life lessons are the real 'meat' of a chart as the hard aspects of conjunction, square, and opposition are what we need to work on in this lifetime.

Anyway since your question is about meeting a stranger I imagine that you are quite friendly and others would find you easy to talk to immediately. You probably make others feel comfortable with that great karmic reward aspect of Jupiter Trine Moon (our emotions). Once others know you better they find that you can be quite the warrior and desire the 'last word.' That Sun opposition Jupiter is a lesson to work on compromising in your relationships which will greatly ease all relationships in life.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-12-02 1:16 pm
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