the truth about whole wheat bread?

2013-05-17 1:53 pm
you know people always talking about whole wheat bread is better than white bread but in fact the whole wheat bread has contain a substance called amylopectin-a which had found to be the most high sugar content carbohydrate on Earth , also can make us age faster ! so my question is :
-is that really matter to eat whole wheat bread rather than the white bread and the reason behinds it

回答 (3)

2013-05-17 2:07 pm
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Actually, it is a lot better to eat whole grain bread as oppose to white bread. Amylopectin, is a NATURAL sugar, and it is naturally found in plants. It's not processed or bleached. Another reason is the health benefits from whole wheat bread. For one, there are no artificial coloring or flavors. And it's got calcium, vitamins a,d,and e. and it's a serving of WHOLE grain, with low sodium, containing things your body needs to function.
Yes, if you do not burn off the energy that this produces, it will cause storage of fat. But honestly, if you're getting nutritional benefits from something, just because it's higher in calories does not mean it's worse for you. An avocado has about 200-300 calories in it, but a bag of Doritos chips is about 200, does that mean I should eat the Doritos?
Just a thought.
2013-05-17 2:06 pm
Amylopectin is one of the molecules that makes up Starch,

All carbohydrates are sugar or starch, and starch molecules need to be broken down by the body to release sugars rather than being used directly.

Your claim about 'Sugar content' is nonsensical and misleading.
(Pure sugar is a carbohydrate and higher 'sugar content' than a starch...)

White bread contains the same carbohydrates as wholemeal, but with the bran and germ stripped out of the grain, leaving just the starchy kernel (ground to white flour) which has minimal nutrition other than as energy food.

The bran and germ are what's sold separately as health foods or included in high fibre cereals..

Wholemeal bread is basically just wheat - grain - and grain is one of the most important parts of a healthy diet.

It's classed as a 'Low Glycemic Index' food, which means the body can only metabolise it to sugars over time, unlike white bread/flour which is broken down quickly.
2013-05-17 1:59 pm
the bottom line is too many carbs are not good for us
we should be eating more vegetables an lean proteins

an stay away from processed white flours an sugars
2013-05-17 2:01 pm
100% whole grain. is supposedly the best. my diabetic mom eats it, and it doesnt make her sugar rise. whole wheat is supposedly colored with some kind of syrup to give it that color.
2015-08-04 4:05 pm
the truth about whole wheat bread?
you know people always talking about whole wheat bread is better than white bread but in fact the whole wheat bread has contain a substance called amylopectin-a which had found to be the most high sugar content carbohydrate on Earth , also can make us age faster ! so my question is :
-is that...
2015-01-31 9:04 pm
Diabetes is usually treated through a combination of diet (low sugar), exercise and medications/insulin. Milder cases can be controlled with just diet an/or exercise while more severe cases require meds or insulin as well.
Learn more
2013-05-17 4:37 pm
Have Harto is right; nutritional choices should be based on how much benefit you can get from a foodstuff, not on how much energy it provides.

AND the idea that carbohydrates are bad for you IS A MYTH. Carbohydrate avoidance is a diet FAD, which keeps being revived as 'the key to weight loss' even though there is no reason to believe that it works. The fad keeps going away because the hype wears off when people have tried the method, and found that it is bollocks.

Energy (from carbohydrates and fat) is good for you; it enables you to be more active. Eating carbohydrate is only a problem if you do not use it as fuel to perform the activity your body needs in order to be healthy.

A major healthy difference between wholemeal foods and their 'white' equivalent is natural Fibre. White bread disrupts your digestive process because it does not contain enough fibre to allow proper digestion. So changing to wholemeal can improve your nutritional intake just by allowing your body to absorb more of the nutrients that are contained in ALL your food, not just the bread.
2013-05-17 4:27 pm
Neither,bread is rubbish,carbs.
2013-05-17 2:06 pm
Which ever one taste better I guess lol

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