Which sign is most likely to verbally offend?

2013-05-17 9:01 am
Which sign is the least diplomatic? Which sign is far, far too outspoken and opinionated?
I think it is a toss between Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius - judging by the descriptions.

回答 (12)

2013-05-17 4:14 pm
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參考: Leo
2013-05-17 9:10 am
2013-05-17 9:14 am
yes leo sag(love the challenge) and Aquarius( Aquarius will prob go fistfight too lol) Taurus and gemini are very good with there mouths id out them at no 1 and 2 spot then sag then aqua then leo and libra haha the air signs
參考: life
2013-05-18 9:30 am
2013-05-17 2:57 pm
Aries Is the Most,
Leo is 2nd but Not in a Bad way, Leos are just Really honest, But They think Before they speak, Sagittarius Are Brutally honest and Loud, They wont know if they have hurt someones feeling, but they are really loyal and wouldn't want anyone to be upset,
And Capricorn,
But capricorn Are critical but Keep it inside them, They don't verbally offend anyone in public
2013-05-17 11:48 am
u guys are retarded ...its the unethical least to reason thinks they know it all virgo!!
2013-05-19 2:43 am
sagittarius (dont give a crap about feelings), libra (selfish), virgo (direct n outspoken), even a pisces (smart az....i am one, of course), scorpio (they're deep cutters....naturally)

lol i dont mean to burst ur bubble.....but these are the top signs that have offended me more than others.
2013-05-19 12:50 am
Fire mercury
2013-05-18 10:22 pm
2013-05-17 6:09 pm
You would have to check their Mercury and 3rd house placements,probably fire sign Mercury would be like that as they are pretty direct,honest and even blunt people,Mars in the 3rd house too,Mars/Pluto aspecting Mercury...
I also realized that Gemini Mars & Virgo Mars can be verbally aggressive (Mars signs ruled by Mercury,so it's one way they express their anger,through words)
參考: Virgo Mars
2013-05-17 9:16 am
zodiac signs and meanings here:
2013-05-17 9:56 am
Least diplomatic: Any and all water signs, and seeing as we're currently in the age of pisces, it's a safe bet that the majority of humanity is lacking in diplomacy.... then again, how can we base our value judgements on people from different ages in time? Easy, we just look for individuals who embody an energy we would associate more with the sign of aquarius (however rare they may be), as we are on the "cusp" of aquarian age. Then we contrast the personalities of these individuals with those of the majority of humanity who are more characteristic of the sign of pisces, and use these observations/comparisons to come to conclusions on what a normal level of diplomacy really is.

PS:Hey everyone, thanks for thumbs downing my answer that I put a lot of time and thought into, it means a lot coming from you, f*cking idiots.

But to answer your question more specifically, in the current state of the world, since most people would likely not take into account the fact that there are eleven other ages in which humanity as a whole will/has embody/embodied a different "flavor" so to speak, the least diplomatic sign is probably leo. Too outspoken and opinionated, definitely leo, as they seem to have a strong tendency to adopt the moral values of their family/peer group/whoever they are around most of the time in order to receive some form of gratification all the while remaining completely blind to the significance of these value systems. They will then attempt to force these values on others (probably because they've so readily adopted these values themselves and expect others to do the same, seeking affirmation of their beliefs). Trust me, my little brother is a leo, and may I add that his natal chart has many characteristics of those most commonly seen in the piscean age.
參考: Sun, mercury, venus, mars, neptune, and uranus in capricorn (AKA a capricorn), moon in virgo.

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