Which sign is most likely to verbally offend?

2013-05-17 9:01 am
Which sign is the least diplomatic? Which sign is far, far too outspoken and opinionated?
I think it is a toss between Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius - judging by the descriptions.

回答 (5)

2013-05-17 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
2013-05-19 12:26 am
Saggitarius Virgo Scorpio or Aries
2013-05-18 4:28 am
Aries seem to have the least control of their tongues. But I myself know how to make words sting.
參考: Capricorn sun Virgo moon
2013-05-17 11:40 am

scorpios love to be honest, they stay quiet when you ask their opinion, but if they must, they def WILL be honest, even if their words will hurt you.

virgos love to point out things... judge, and by doing that they end up hurting you verbally, not intentionally.

least diplomatic? not sure, perhaps sag, aqua or gemini.. [leos are smart, the ones I know.they just hate to learn]
too outspoken/opinionated? Virgo! in few cases Scorpio, because they most likely have in open mind, and like to show their point and open others' mind to see things in a new way.
參考: Me Scorp
2013-05-17 4:35 pm
Okay I'm a Leo and i'm shy in new situations and most. But not all Leo's are like this some can be outgoing (in the offensive way) Sagittarius my grandad is one he's really nice but can get quite angry. And Aquarius my sister is an Aqurius and she can be quite offensive but she won't tell that to your face unless you ask for an honest opinion. But she calms down easily.
參考: Family

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