Is 17 a bad sign for me?

2013-05-17 8:08 am
So I have only truely loved two girls so far in my life. Both relationships started on the 17th of a month. And both break ups happened on the 17th, 4 months into the relationships.... It seems to me that these two events correspond in some way... I wasn't completely convinced until today. See I've been talking to this girl for about a month now, and I really like this one. I'm thinking that Im going to love her even more than the other two. In the past week things have been going strangely great, and I had the feeling that I need to make her official on Friday. I soon realized that Friday(tomorrow) is the 17th.. I've gotten signs that I should ask her to be my girlfriend tomorrow, but I don't know if I should, I feel like it will end 4 months in on the 17th.. But then again does the 17th mean that she is the right choice? Nd I should keep the coincidental tradition for good luck? Go with my gut feeling? Or evade the 17th and throw the luck/bad luck off track?

回答 (2)

2013-05-20 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't believe in coincidences. Numbers pop up during times of life for different reasons.

I am wondering if you were born on the 17th of the month as this would clearly explain this 'number issue.' The day of the month we were born on is an important number for us. I try to plan 'good things' on my birth number or 'have a feeling' it is going to be a good day which it usually is. Not always. Usually.

17 is one of the double digit numbers that reduce to an 8 as 1 + 7 = 8....17/8...

8's are here to work on heavy relationships that often require much hard work and often sadness that must be resolved in this lifetime or you will have to repeat the same relationship issues with another before you can 'move on' and evolve. Become a better person in other words. We are really here to learn how to love. That is the bottom line.

The easiest way to resolve a heavy relationship is to forgive that person. Forgiveness breaks bonds with others though it is not easy to do. Try to make sure to forgive these girls you have been with so far and maybe this will 'lighten' the heaviness of the number 17/8.

So I would suggest that you be very selective with who you choose to share your life with because it seems that this '17' is popping up for a reason. Perhaps you are choosing partners that require much work on your behalf. In other words, maybe you choose partners that 'bring you down' or just add a 'heaviness' to your life that you wouldn't have otherwise.

Maybe you need to begin relationships on a friend basis first before you get heavily involved and then get heavily 'uninvolved.' Whatever the case it does sound like you have chosen partners that aren't really right for you. Only you can change that because we sure can't change other people. That's for sure!

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too...especially in relationships! I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2017-01-13 4:18 am
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