
2013-05-17 6:20 pm
你好! 我想問係網上買Singapore Flyer + Ducktours 門票可以係邊拿票及上鴨車?我睇唔明佢講的位置!Gardensbythebay濱海花園去夜間野生動物園,如何去?去聖淘沙坐吊車,會唔會好多人?(十幾年前就好多人坐)其實要去的景點有網上訂票,係咪應該訂了先?請各方旅友幫忙。感謝

回答 (1)

2013-05-18 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Not enough information to determine.

You did not even say which website.

But in general, the tickets are available to pick where you start the trip. For example, you will get your ticket for Singapore Flyer at Singapore Flyer.

2. SMRT and bus.

3. No. It is very expensive. Bus is cheaper.

4. Unless there is a discount, no.

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