2013-05-17 6:19 pm
Dear all,

i m thinking to take Diploma exam in piano again.. indeed i took ABRSM Diploma exam.. i forget the name of the exam , it's actually the beginner grade for ( okie pls dun quote me on that, coz i really forget i took it like 10 yrs ago ) for diploma. i passed on the piano part but i failed on the oral part. ( augh... what a shame .. )so you know that it's a failed in total rite=P bec that exam needed both part to pass. ( is this exam the DIPABRSM? )

Since i want to avoid the Oral part which i failed on, i am thinking to go for trinity, but the thing is - i am not sure if i can take LTCL directly, or i should go tback to take ATCL first?

i could recall from my piano teacher that the ABRSM exam that i took ( actually i still huv all the book and pieces with me ) i can use those piece for trinity ATCL , is that true? also, can i use the same pieces to take LTCL instead? coz i heard something like ABRSM Dip the hardness to pass is same as the LTCL. in that case should i give myself a try on LTCL ?

thanks in advance=)

( pls feel free to reply in English/ CHinese too ) =)

Hey everyone=) (Thanks Billy and Rocky infor all your advices and encouraging words=) i huv decided now i will go for LTCL. does any one huv a tips or even a recommeded program for LTCL ?

回答 (2)

2013-05-17 9:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The exam you took should be DipABRSM which contains viva voce (the oral part)

The syllabus of DipABRSM is not the same as Trinity's ATCL, so some pieces may not be used for ATCL. Also ATCL is supposed to be the same level as DipABRSM while LTCL is the same level as LRSM, so those pieces used in your DipABRSM can not be used in LTCL as they are different level.

You will need an assessment from a teacher so you will get professional advice whether ATCL or LTCL is suitable for you. Below is my website with my contact, hope can help you.
2013-05-18 10:33 am
你要 check check 兩個學院考既歌一唔一樣 wor. 你以前既老師無幫你 viva voce 果 part? add oil!

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