
2013-05-17 10:30 am
Not Your Mothers Rules Girl Tip- p.97 NYMR "Pretend you were born in another era when all you knew about a guy was how he treated you, not what you might see on Facebook. You wouldn't write on his wall, much less be addicted to reading it!" So true!! NYMR explains how to navigate in todays new world!! -E


回答 (2)

2013-05-17 2:10 pm
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Not Your Mothers Rules Girl Tip- p.97 NYMR "Pretend you were born in another era when all you knew about a guy was how he treated you, not what you might see on Facebook. You wouldn't write on his wall, much less be addicted to reading it!" So true!! NYMR explains how to navigate in todays new world!! -E

非母親所定之規舉之女孩小撇步NYMR第97頁說道: "假定你是生於另一世代,而當時你要瞭解一個男生是以他如何對待你而定而不是從臉書所看到的資料來斷定,你根本不應在他的牆上留言,更別提對看他的臉書流連忘返.這句話說得多真實啊!!!NYMR這本書教您如何導航於今天的新世界.

參考: jim
2013-05-17 1:07 pm
現代女生必學(NYMR)的第97招:在以前的世代,你如何認識他全憑他如何待你。你們的認識不是靠 Facebook;你在他的牆上留言,然後整天看他寫了什麼。以前那種認識才是真的認識。NYMR 教你如何在新世界不迷失方向。


2013-05-17 05:10:46 補充:
迷失方向 -- 伊

2013-05-20 09:45:20 補充:

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