
2013-05-16 3:47 pm

回答 (2)

2013-05-25 4:29 pm
French Revolution
French Revolution happened in 1789, Louis XVI was the king of France at that time. it happens mainly because of the unfair tax system. at that time, France was seperated into three Estates, First, Second and Third Estate. most of the people in France was in Third Estate. First and Second Estate people was really rich and Third Estate are normal people(including rich and poor), rich Third Estate people can buy a position in Second Estate, so their life will be better. although First and Second Estate people earn most of the money, they dont need to pay any taxes, but the poor Third Estate people have to pay all the taxes. so then, they were angry so they want to have a revolution. before they have a parliament called Estates General which includes First, Second and Third Estates people. but then, third estates people make a new parliament which is called national assembly. they stayed in the tennis court oath and they said that they wouldnt leave the tennis court unless Louis XVI have a brand new law with them which is fair. but of course, Louis XVI didnt do that, so the third estate people go to bastille, where is a jail and where the waepons were kept, it was called the storming of bastille. at last they got Louis XVI and his family and put them into prison, finally they got a fair tax system and they said that they would help any of the third estate people in europe that who wanted to have a revolution and it called the brotherhood.
hope can help you!!
2013-05-25 4:13 am
I donot know is really corret ,but I am very hard to do.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:53:16
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