grill & barbecue 之分

2013-05-15 8:16 am

回答 (3)

2013-05-15 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Grill (verb) = to cook food under strong heat (e.g. to fry or toast something on a hot surface)

grill meat, chicken, bacon, mushroom, onion, sausage, salmon

Barbecue (verb) = to cook food on a metal frame over a fire or over hot coals on an open fire, usually outdoors.

barbecue meat, ribs, chicken

Barbecuing usually takes longer. You may use barbecue sauce.

Please refer to:
Grill (noun) = a flat frame of metal bars on which food can be cooked over a fire.
Barbecue (noun) = a piece of equipment used for cooking food on open fire outdoors

barbecue sauce (not grill sauce)

Different meaning:
Grill (verb) = to ask someone a lot of questions about something

2013-05-16 01:06:05 補充:
Barbecue 不單是 transitive verb, 可作 intransitive verb
例如: We barbecue often during the summer.

Grill (noun) - 單獨一個字少有解 “燒烤餐館”
I went to a grill.
至少有 I went to a downtown grill (or grill restaurant)
多數餐館名稱 ~ often used in the names of restaurants
e.g. Jackie's Bar and Grill..
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2013-05-15 7:42 pm
grillvt.& vi. 燒烤 vt. 拷問,盤問 n. 烤架; 烤肉; 格板; 燒烤餐館 n. 烤肉; 燒烤野餐; (常用於室外的 )金屬烤架vt. (通常在戶外 )在烤架上燒烤
2013-05-15 5:24 pm

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