How to not let people hurt my feelings?

2013-05-15 3:14 am
Whenever I get mad or lose an argument, I always end up in tears for no reason. My period already came and I'm not going through PMS because this is something that always happen after someone says something mean to me. I'm not a weak minded person, I just feel sad, especially when my mom calls me certain names... It really hurts :-( help plz, how can I become less sensitive?

回答 (2)

2013-05-15 3:23 am
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I know what you mean an if like me I'm to kind hearted, and I do the same thing but you learn to ignore them because they have to blame you for their problems or to cover up their problems. The best thing is just to live your life an only worry about you. What comes around goes around. Just don't listen you are better than that an tell yourself that.
2016-10-16 2:54 pm
That’s a shame which you obtain caught going to an area college by using fact your mom can not permit go. it incredibly is not honest of her to furnish you a guilt trip for desirous to stay your life. At 19 years previous you have each astounding to pass away your father and mom homestead and stay on your very own, she shouldn't preclude you from doing that. besides the incontrovertible fact that, in basic terms understand that in case you're asking her to not intervene consisting of your selection to pass you besides mght won't be able to ask her to pay your way. (Ex. lease, vehicle, cellular telephone and so on.) i'm not suggesting which you may try this, yet i know numerous adults who nevertheless assume mom and pa to pay their charges. In essence, you're asking your mom to handle you like an grownup, so coach her which you're...once you're looking at residences locate something you could locate the money for, on the brink of school and artwork. set up to pass, get roommates, or despite you need to do earlier recent each thing to her in a prepared, calm and grownup way. If she starts with a guilt trip, gently clarify how lots you like her and delight in the great mom that she is besides the incontrovertible fact that that's time so which you could do issues on your very own. If she keeps, tell her you appreciate her attitude and ask her to appreciate you and to objective to work out issues out of your attitude as properly. in case you're an in basic terms toddler or the youngest, your mom is probable struggling with "empty nest syndrome" it incredibly is extremely conventional. if your dad is greater accepting of providing you with independence, then have a kinfolk assembly and talk it rationally and at the same time. sturdy success and in basic terms bear in suggestions sometime you would be a mom dealing with the precise same situation...go user-friendly on her yet stand your floor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:51:29
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