Microsoft Office bug?

2013-05-14 1:04 pm
Whenever I use Microsoft Office 2013 Word, the cursor repeatedly changing from the pointer to busy (and vice versa) very quickly. As a result, it is very lag when I am working with it. Any way to diagnose and solve the problem?


回答 (3)

2013-05-14 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I suspect that the problem is with your computer and you are noticing it in Office since that is such a large program.

There are a number of factors that will slow down a computer. The most common are: not enough free HD space (approx 10% or more of your HD should be unused or free space), inadequate RAM (usually not a problem in newer computers that come with 4 gig of RAM). That leaves 2 factors that are the most common causes of slow computers: too many programs in the Startup group and malware.

The easiest problem to cure is malware. If you run a decent anti-virus program, viruses are less of a problem than malware. Run these programs: CCleaner, Super Antispyware, or Malwarebytes. These will remove a lot of crap from your system and free up some HD space. Do not use so called registry cleaners or optimizers. These will cause more problems then they cure. The one exception is the registry tool in CCleaner. It is not too aggressive and will cause no harm to your system.

The Tools tab in CCleaner will allow you to disable programs in the startup group. This does not remove them, it stops them from running every time you start your computer. You can run them manually any time you want. Google the name of a program you are unfamiliar with to see if it is safe to disable.

Good luck.
2013-05-14 10:20 pm
Like Pawan I would suggest that this is a system rather than an office based issue ..

Recommendation is check your system out .. what OS, Memory, graphics card & HD are you running. Can the memory (RAM) be increased .. if it can take this to a minimum of 4Gb. How much space do you have remaining on the HD ? - this can affect your software operation.

Have you increased the paging file to 4092kb ?

many people leave the system to manage this file. However, this can also lead to disc fragmentation. My suggestion is that it should be increased to 3x the physical memory (RAM) installed in the machine to a maximum of 4092kb (remember that 1kb is 1024bytes - we're working with memory (RAM) and not physical storage here) ..

I've managed to run Office Pro 2013 on a machine with a 1.2Ghz Atom processor running Win7 & 1Gb RAM (small Samsung netbook) with no issues ..

Hope this helps

2013-05-14 8:11 pm
It would have been more helpful if you would have provided your system's hardware info. The problem might be that most of your CPU and RAM is being eaten by virus leaving very less system resources to Microsoft Office. I suggest you run a full system scan using a good anti-virus.

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