My Dear Brothers, Muslim, Christian and Atheist. Do you accept my "Secret DECODED" on Islam ?

2013-05-14 4:58 am
In order to understand any religions in depth .You MUST have knowledge of ASTRONOMY and YIN
& YANG Theory, ANGELOLOGY, NUMEROLOGY and basic knowledge of ALL Religions !!!! .

Allah is a God ! But not the GOD of the Creator as the Muslims believed. You have to obey the LAWS of YIN & YANG. Every GODS and living things must obey the LAWS of YIN & YANG in order to exist !!!!

YIN & YANG basically mean Negative & Positive Energy of the Universe ! A source of Energy to create EVERYTHINGS ! Including : GODS themselves !!!!

What are GODS ? GODS are any " sphere" objects in the Universe !!!! Atheist would called them Stars (Suns), Planets, Moons !!!!

The SUN ( Father) is GOD the Creator ......GOOD GOD !! (Christian GOD)
Planet Saturn is GOD the Destroyer................Bad GOD ! ( Allah...equal power and opposite)
Planet Jupiter is GOD the SON or GOD the Protector !.....(Archangel Michael)(Jesus Christ)
Planet Earth is GOD the Mother also know as GOD the Satan !
Planet Mar is GOD of Terror............( Possibly : Archangel Zadkiel ) or Archangel Jophiel
Planet Venus is GOD of LOVE.........( Archangel Chamuel )
The Moon is GOD of Messenger......( Archangel Gabriel )
Planet Mercury is GOD of Healer......( Archangel Raphael )

Saturn should not be classified as a Planet because it is a " Dying Sun" . Which means a GOOD GOD had turned " BAD"......Saturn....turning into Sa(tan).

Saturn......used to be a SUN ( GOOD GOD ) with more than 100 Planets around it . It 's probably more mature than our Father ( The SUN ), since it had a lot more planets ( moons) around it . But due to the "YIN" Energy ( Negative Energy) so great caused the SUN ( Saturn) to cool down and start to collaps ....which means " dying" at early age of one GOD !!! . Which really mean that a GOOD GOD " turning into Satan" ( Saturn) and became a Bad God !!!! And eventually it will be come a BLACK HOLE and everything around it will be " suck" into the centre , because it 's no longer provide any sun LIGHT to sustain life to it's moons ( planets).

Allah...means...ALL Liar....Bad GOD !!!!!!!!!!! ( Planet Saturn not The SUN)
Islam....means....I slam...I smash....I destroy !!!!!!!
Muslim....means....blind and narrow ( minded) .....( Mu in Vietnamese mean blind, slim mean narrow ) not Jesus Christ.....Isa ....means ...I (AM) Sa (tan) !!!!!
Muhammad......means....Blind, Greedy and Crazy ..( Mù= Blind, ham= Greedy, Mad= Crazy)
Osama ( Usama).......means ...Father of Satan & Ghost .....( O=Ông = Father, Sa=Satan, ma= Ghost/ demons)
Bin Laden....means ...Black man in the bin....( Lad= man, den= Black, Bin= rubbish bin)
Please notice : Allah had 99 characteristics, Which she have the abilities to take shape of 99 GODS on Earth. Earth is within the G- Rings of Saturn !!!!!!

Rings of Saturn is not caused by accumulative of space dusts and debris as scientists have thought !
Hot ( expanded), Cool ( contracted )....When the Sun ( Saturn) cooled down , the whole systems collapsing cause all of its planets move towards the centre and caused the planets to collide with one another to form dusts and debris but still maintain its gravitational pull thus rings were formed !!!!

In 1610 Galileo discovered Saturn had 2 inner B -Rings. Two years later those 2 Rings disappeared , he yelled out :" She had swallowed 2 of her own children !!"

Love & Peace !!

sphere............Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !

回答 (2)

2013-05-14 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Islam's Allah is not God. They may both be called god, but when we look at who they are--as described in the Bible and the Quran--they are opposite in character.

God loves us (all of us including Muslims), tells us a lot about Himself (in the Bible); is an active part of our daily lives; and wants us to join Him in heaven. God wants to be in a relationship with us. God never changes, and wants us to have the peace and security of knowing for sure that we'll join God in heaven.

Allah is not involved in Muslin's lives or even in the world. He is aloof and uninvolved with people and the world. Allah tells us little about himself in the Quran. Allah changes his mind frequently and no Muslim (not even Mohammed) knows whether or not they are going to heaven or hell.

Allah and God are not the same. Islam and Christianity are not the same. The Quran is not a book of God.

Once you find your true GOD and NOT ALLAH then you would not fear Him Because GOD is loving and caring Father.

Jesus said "I am the door; if any one enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."

Jesus answered "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Salvation ( a pathway to God the Father ) is through Jesus Christ and Him alone. There is ONE and only ONE pathway, NOT several. Christ is a living Saviour. There is no requirement for any other prophet after Christ.

Mohammed: founder of Islam,
Joseph Smith: founder of the Mormons,
Charles Russell: founder of the Jehovah Witnesses,
Ron L Hubbard: founder of Scientology
and other false prophets will come and go.

They have already or will all die and shall remain dead until Christ returns to judge the living and dead as stated in scripture. These men and that's all they are, are of no significance to getting right with God the Father.

God bless you my friend!
2013-05-16 12:03 pm
What happens to a dream when you awaken? It just disappears!
The Creator, a spiritual being, created man in His Image and Likeness.
That would mean that god's creation is Only Spiritual and is Eternal
and unchanging. Being made in the Image of the Creator, we can be said to be
Co-creaters, although of a lesser status. We cannot change anything the Creator created
so we cannot change in any way, what He created. But we could make up a strange
dreamworld and fill it with all manor of exciting events - but nothing in our dream is
Eternal- everything dies and or changes. Therefore, all the wars and other exciting events
are used for the education of mankind, but nothing God created is damaged or changed
in any way. It is all an illusion or dream - not real at all. One day we will all awaken
from our dream and realize that we are still the one being created in the beginning.
參考: ACIM

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