八級鋼琴 distinction

2013-05-14 5:50 am
其實自己考過五級同七級 都只係pass
我d 歌彈得都 ok 但有時會因為緊張而彈錯音
Scales 都係有時會彈錯音
Sight reading 都掂既
Aural 唔錯
係因為緊張而彈錯音呢個大問題姐 :'(
有冇八級考distinction過來人可以share d 經驗?
無限感激 :)

回答 (1)

2013-05-15 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is very normal to be nervous during exams, and i believe most people are nervous during exam. to me, i was more nervous before the exam when i was waiting to go into the room. i think one of the most effective methods to not be nervous is do not think that you are having an exam. usually the word "exam" scares people, and it's only the thinking of exam that makes people nervous. my orchestra conductor always tells us that we should see practices as competition, and see competition as practices. i think that does works for exam too, because we are surely less nervous during practice, and we are more likely to be able to perform our full ability.
another method is to use anyway of relaxing that works for you to relax before the exam. reading novels is a really effective way for me to relax, because it brings me to another world that i don't have to worry about things on earth. if listening to music works for you, you can listen to many different songs to build up your relaxed and happy mood for the exam. one thing is, i don't recommend listening to the exam songs before your exam, because that's only gonna stress you out.
i didn't get distinction in grade 8 piano, but i got distinction in grade 8 cello, so i guess i am still qualified to share my experience^^ it is actually really hard to get grade 8 distinction because 1. you can't have any mistakes, all the songs and scales have to be perfectly in tune, 2. aural and sight reading requirement is much much higher than grade 7, 3. if you get a really strict examiner, or you are compared to someone who had the exam before you that played pretty good, it's quite hard to get distinction
i think one of the reasons why i got distinction is that i was very relaxed during exam. i see it as my usual practice and the examiner was my teacher. it could be hard to do so because the whole environment and atmosphere is different, but it helps if you have some practice in that examination room before the exam.
參考: myself~

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