麻煩翻譯關於喪禮悼詞英文 謝謝,

2013-05-14 5:21 am
麻煩翻譯一下句子 可以既話補充一D 急用,感謝! 唔好用google 翻譯

1.今天.我們懷著沉痛的心情深切悼念 xxx
3.xxx 因車禍於2013年5月1日搶救無效離世
4.xxx生前是大家身邊的開心果 他是個樂觀派,很愛笑,有愛心,善良,很愛幫助朋友,

回答 (6)

2013-05-14 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. today. with a heavy heart we deeply mourn xxx
2.xxx is a dear friend of my primary and secondary school,
3.xxx death due to a car accident on May 1, 2013 patients whom
4.xxx pistachio around living is all he is an optimistic, love laughing, loving, kind and loves to help his friend,
5. He's a filial child,
6. He has great musical talent, most loved singing since childhood, school singing competition Awards, his dream is to be a singer
參考: bing
2013-05-15 12:31 pm
Today we are mourning with unfathomable grief for the death of XXX. He/she was my good friend in my primary and high school years, and had died in a car accident on May 1st, 2013. She was a very optimistic person, loved to laugh, kind-hearted, being very helpful to the others, and had been a very obedient child. She was inherent with music talent. She loved to sing throughout her life, and always won awards in music competitions. Her ultimate goal was to become a singer. We will miss her dearly, and may her find peace with the Lord. Please keep her in your prayers.
2013-05-15 9:18 am
1. Today, we all gather here with deepest condolence to pay tribute to xxx.
2. xxx and I were best friends in primary and secondary school.
3. xxx passed away on May 1, 2013 after a car accident, despite the best efforts of the medical staff in saving his life.
4. xxx was an optimistic, cheerful person with a kind heart, who had always been willing to help his friends and brought happiness to everyone around him.
5. He was filial and good to his parents.
6. He had great talents in music and won many awards in the school's singing contest every year. His love of singing since he was young had driven him to pursue his dream of becoming a professional singer.

Today, we all gather here with deepest condolence to pay tribute to xxx.

xxx and I were best friends in primary and secondary school. Unfortunately, xxx passed away on May 1, 2013 after a car accident, despite the best efforts of the medical staff in saving his life.

xxx was an optimistic, cheerful person with a kind heart, who had always been willing to help his friends and brought happiness to everyone around him. He was filial and good to his parents. He also had great talents in music and won many awards in the school's singing contest every year. In fact, his love of singing since he was young had driven him to pursue his dream of becoming a professional singer.

I miss xxx so much after his death. Although he is no longer here, I will never forget the time being with him, the way he had lived and how he had inspired every one of us. May xxx stay in our memories forever. Thank you.

2013-05-15 01:22:18 補充:
P.S. 願樓主的朋友得到安息,RIP。

2013-05-15 03:39:32 補充:
Well, I think the sentence says the dead friend ''made fun of everyone'', not he ''being made fun by everyone''.

2013-05-15 05:42:24 補充:
Last paragraph: amendment
May xxx [live] in our memories forever.
參考: Myself
2013-05-15 2:41 am
Please, don't ever "make fun of everyone", especially when the poor person was dead. "make fun of everyone"=取笑所有人
2013-05-14 8:35 pm
Today we have condolence and sympathy for xxx who has just died on May 1. I formally express my sympathy and like to offer my condo;ences to xxx's parents ,relatives and friends.
-----(1)Today ,with a heavy heart, we deeply mourn xxx's passed away.
-----(2)xxx was a dear friend of my primary and secondary school.
-----(3)xxx's death was due to a car accident on May 1, 2013 whose emergency rescue was unsuccessful.
-----(4)xxx was a happy fellow to all around and particularly being an optimistic,laughing, considerate, kind and eager to help others guy.
-----(5)He was a filial piety child to his parents.
-----(6)He has great musical talent, and loved singing since childhood, and always won school singing competition awards. His dream is to be a singer as a profession, and someone who writes songs and sings them.
2013-05-14 7:29 am
1.今天.我們懷著沉痛的心情深切悼念 xxx
Today we deeply concern and being in great sorrow about Mr.xxx 's passed away.
He had been my very good friend during the period of primary and middle schools.
3.xxx 因車禍於2013年5月1日搶救無效離世
On May 1st 2013, he died beyond any possible rescue as the result of car accident.
4.xxx生前是大家身邊的開心果 他是個樂觀派,很愛笑,有愛心,善良,很愛幫助朋友,
He had been making fun of everyone and particularly being optimistic, smiling, considerate, kind and eager to help others prior to his death.
He had showed filial obedience to his parents.
He had owned the talent in music since childhood and grown-up especially singing. Being wishing to be a singer, he had been awarded with prizes very often during the school period.
參考: Partly according to The advanced learner's dictionary of current English with Chinese translation published by Hong Kong Oxford Univerisity Press 1975

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