寫信給國外明星 幫我翻譯成英文拜託><

2013-05-13 9:10 pm
我是來自台灣的xxx ,自從看了你主演的一部影集xxx , 我便成了你的死忠粉絲,也看了幾部演出的電影及影集作品,你出色又精湛的好演技讓我為之瘋狂,當然還有你低沉又有磁性的嗓音,我非常欣賞且支持你,請你繼續加油,拍出更棒的作品,祝福你!!期待你能回信,謝謝


回答 (2)

2013-05-13 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear xxx
Xxx, I am from Taiwan since saw you starring an album xxx, I became your diehard fans also saw several performances of the film and the album works, your excellent and superb acting, let me the crazy, of course, you drop another magnetic voice, I very much appreciate and support you, would you please continue refueling, shoot better works, bless you!! look forward to your reply, thank you

Two photos, I am ready to help my signature send me?
參考: ..
2013-05-13 10:03 pm
Dear xxxI is from Taiwan of XXX, since see has you starring of one albums xxx, I will into has you of died loyalty fans, also see has several performances of movie and the albums works, you excellent and superb of good acting let I for of crazy, certainly also has you deep and has magnetic of voice, I very enjoy and support you, please you continues to refueling, took out more rod of works, blessing you!! Looking forward to your reply, thank you
This two are my photos, can you help me sign send me?

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