how does the media change the way we view the world?

2013-05-13 4:59 am

回答 (2)

2013-05-14 4:57 pm
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the media can manipulate anything it has a lot of power take my life for instance my tv plays the same shows over and over geared in a certain manipulative themes i almost never see whats really going on in the news (not that i have watched much in the last 9 years) it manipulates and has manipulated web sites and everything on my computer and even more fun stuff so i stay in my home i dont leave i go every now and then i believe nothing on watch about 2 hrs of tv a day th everything because its supported by others who own stock and they are very good at making things look any way they want and there are no restrictions god bless america
2013-05-13 12:35 pm
It mostly keeps us ignorant of the things going on because they can, and they don't want us to be informed because it would break the bubble of ignorance.

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