
2013-05-13 3:29 am



回答 (6)

2013-05-13 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文是:HI! I am work now.Please stay Oral hearing,I will Reply you as soon as .

2013-05-15 9:11 am
Hello, I am at work right now. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you.

For pronounication, go to www.howjsay.com.
2013-05-13 8:23 pm
Hey, I'm now working. Leave your massage here if u needed, I will reply as soon as possible, thanks.

Hi there, I'm working right now. Please feel free to leave your massage after the sound *Beep*, I will call you back as soon as possible, thanks a lot.

Hello, sorry but I am now on duty, leave your massage and I will reply once I hear it. Thank you.

三段是但擇一段。我諗樓上話用google既意思係,如果你唔識講你可以用google translate去讀一次,咁你咪識得講囉。知識+呢到係無得用發聲呢個功能= =,如果你要我發聲你聽的話,你email我啦:kolla1994@yahoo.com.hk
2013-05-13 5:32 pm
English is very outing basic usage 2023
========================> ?=?
min er su sa ge pu tong hua 2013
參考: Miner's Usage Putonghua 2013
2013-05-13 5:09 am
Hi, this is (你個名).
I'm currently at work,
so I can't answer your call now.
Please kindly leave your message.
will call
soon. Thanks.

你填咗你個名之後可以將段嘢 exactly 咁 copy 喺 google translate 到播一次(http://translate.google.com/),佢啲英文好純正清楚,可以參詳下。(分開一行行係為咗令佢有停頓,讀得自然啲)

2013-05-12 21:12:19 補充:
記住「exactly 咁」copy 落去讀呀,唔係就好怪架喇。
參考: Myself
2013-05-13 3:54 am
After listening to this short high sound made by this piece of "writing"; it will bleep when your mind is ready, whether you speak English Or not!
I am busy now;
If you must wait for that person;
Leave a message;
After the high bleep;
Will call back as soon as possible!

2013-05-12 19:58:33 補充:
Enter translate google ;Press R.H.S. bottom corner" Trumpet" symbol for that sig. tune listening

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