中翻英 這是我家養的狗

2013-05-11 4:48 pm


回答 (8)

2013-05-11 5:00 pm
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this is my(our) pet dog.

這是口語化: 這是我(或我們)的寵物(狗)

this is the dog of our house

2013-05-11 9:26 pm
Within certain context, some even say "raise kids/children". So "raise a dog" is a non-issue. E.g.
I raise dogs for agility competitions.
I raise dogs for shows.
I raise guide dogs.
And yes, I raise dogs for their meat...will work just as well...grammatically...that is.

2013-05-11 13:31:05 補充:
BTW, the question never mentioned the purpose of that dog. Hence, we are all second guessing if the dog is for food or for companionship...
2013-05-11 8:54 pm
hahaha...I was sooooo looking forward to your explanation; not that I disagree with you...
2013-05-11 6:32 pm
This is my home their dog.
參考: 我
2013-05-11 6:01 pm
要是狗狗是養來吃/賣的 那就請用raise吧

若是pet 那就要姊妹相稱

I say: This is my sister, Boo Boo.
She says: Bark Bark...

2013-05-11 12:08:37 補充:
抬槓? 養來吃/賣的 那就請用raise. 沒有人養寵物用 raise的
說了 你也不懂 沒什槓好抬的 沒興趣!

2013-05-11 14:27:29 補充:
Ok, just for the priest. "To raise" strongly implies the objective of "to make it grow..." - meaning you want it to grow up to certain age/size so that

1. it may become useful (as raise a child)

2013-05-11 14:29:49 補充:
2. it may be slaughtered for food (as raise a chick)
3. it may be sold for profit (as raise a cow)

This does not apply to most pet and pet owners for having a pet is mainly for companionship.

2013-05-11 14:33:21 補充:
For this reason, I call it (raise a dog) TWenglish.

2013-05-12 04:32:07 補充:
>>"BTW, the question never mentioned the purpose of that dog. Hence, we are all second guessing if the dog is for food or for companionship"

true - that was why I said "if the dog is raised for food or for sale, then please use raise. Otherwise, don't."

2013-05-14 00:51:21 補充:
All native English speakers say "raise a dog"?

Liar. I have been speaking in English since I was 1.
2013-05-11 5:28 pm
we pet this dog...............................
2013-05-11 5:19 pm
This is my domesticated dog
2013-05-11 5:13 pm
英文還是有講「養狗」的: 用raise a dog, raise dogs
This is the dog we raise. 這是我家養的狗

改用our pet dog雖然可以, 但已非原句的措辭.

2013-05-11 11:43:35 補充:
未必, 囚犯只是在抬槓吧?

2013-05-13 23:06:52 補充:
All native English speakers say "raise a dog", never thinking of food purpose.
Yes, it's TWenglish, i.e. Trans-World English.

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