What would be a fair asking price for renting out my parking space?

2013-05-11 3:22 am
Stuff you might need to know:

I live in a townhouse. The building has 8 Units, 2 parking spaces for each. The neighbors in the Unit next to me decided they'd go ahead and get a third vehicle.

Someone is staying over for a while or something, not too sure on the details but that's probably not important anyway. So, now they're asking if they could rent my extra space. It's the only space I have available for when there's company over, granted that's not very often but still it's mine.

I was thinking possibly $5.00/Day which would be ~ $150/Month. Is this fair, too low or too high? My brother thinks I should charge them $7.00/Day but I'm just not sure...

Probably should have mentioned this... I am the Landlord.


Would a rent receipt be sufficient enough to be the "something in writing"?


Would this be sufficient enough, along with a rental receipt? http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c313/Seraph_Sepher/Randomness/ParkingSpaceRentalContract.png


Apparently links don't work...

回答 (3)

2013-05-11 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I guess you'd have to figure out if it's worth it to you to not have your extra space. You could start out with a one-month agreement for $150 (I think $5 a day sounds really fair, $7 sounds kind of wrong somehow). With the understanding that this is a trial month to see if it's worth it to you. Be sure to put something in writing.

Then take your brother out for a $150 dinner next month :-)
參考: Apartment manager.
2013-05-11 11:42 am
I think $5 a day, is fair depending on what the rent is monthly. It should be an extra 10% of rent max.
2013-05-11 10:31 am
Did you check with the landlord to see if it is even allowed?

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