什麼叫市場佔有率 和 市場增長率

2013-05-10 11:00 pm
剛才看書時,看到一些不明的地方,請教一下 :

1. 咩叫做"市場佔有率" 和 " 市場增長率" ? 兩個既定義係咩? 可以用例子告訴我

2. 我怎樣才能得知道個樣產品或個間公司業務於市場上的佔有率和增長率高定低呢?可以用例子告訴我

回答 (1)

2013-05-11 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. See below:

Market share - the portion of a particular product/brand/company in the entire market.

For example, among smartphone users, 60% of them use iPhone, 30% of them use Android, 10% of them use Blackberry. By this, you can say Apple's market share for smartphone is 60%.

Market growth - the increase of market given a period of time.

Continue with the example above. After a year, 50% of them use iPhone, 40% of them use Android, 10% of them use Blackberry. The market growth for Android will be 10%

2. Unless you can find neutral statistics or survey result, there is no way.

It is common that market share/market growth has been exaggerated.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 00:29:31
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