
2013-05-11 12:15 am

回答 (4)

2013-05-11 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like to help my coworkers, since that , my relations with others is very good.

sorry! 因為詞彙不夠多, 所以 只能翻譯成這樣~
參考: myself
2013-05-13 10:37 pm
I'm willing to help co-workers ... So I have a good popularity
2013-05-11 3:47 am

I'm willing to help my colleagues, so I get along quite well with them.
2013-05-11 12:54 am
I who respect others is respected.

2013-05-10 16:56:04 補充:
才正確, 對不起手誤植.

2013-05-10 16:56:50 補充:
I who respect others am respected 才正確, 對不起手誤植.

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