Help we have no food?

2013-05-10 12:08 am
I'm so hungry there's no food here my mom doesn't have any money to buy us anything. I promise you that there's nothing here to eat except eggs (no butter or no oil to cook them), sausages, potatoes, cheese, and old stale cereal. I don't know what to do I called my sister and asked her is she could help out but apparently she doesn't have any money (which is a lie because she works at the casino and gets tips every night).

I'm tired of living this way. I'm 15 and I weigh 100 pounds if that's normal. Ugh, help please!

回答 (6)

2013-05-10 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dice and fry the sausage then remove it, use the grease to fry the eggs and add the cheese and fried sausage to the eggs while cooking. Also, since you're 15, check your state laws and see if you can get a work permit so you can bring more funds into your household. Best of luck!
2013-05-10 7:10 am
If you have sausages maybe you can cook the sausage in a pan and then use some of the oil from cooking the sausages to cook your eggs.
2013-05-10 7:20 am
I'm so sorry kid I'm 16 and I don't know how to truly help you. I know how you can survive if your not lying for sympathy.. Re-crisping is worth a try if your cereal is soggy and stale,. To re-crisp stale breakfast cereal, spread the cereal on a baking sheet or jelly roll pan. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit, then heat the cereal for a few minutes to restore crunchiness. Watch the cereal closely and stir often, as cereal turns from crunchy to black quickly. Don't attempt to restore moldy cereal or cereal that tastes bad. Eat cheese first since it rots and the potatoes will stick if you the potatoes will stick if you don't have anything unless its a non stick pan i never use anything to cook mine but you must keep turning them to let them brown as the starch what is left from them been boiled will help providing you don't walk away from them you can use a tinny bit of butter but if its a nonstick pan then you don't need anything. And try boiling or heating the sausage
參考: Hang in their kid I'm sure someone will come to aid there's always soup kitchens too
2013-05-10 7:10 am
go to a shelter or a grocery store for free samples... Or get food stamps
2013-05-10 11:02 pm
By Egg you can cook fired egg
2013-05-10 8:54 pm
Boil up some potatoes. Drain them and add a bit of grated cheese. Add salt, pepper, eat and quite whining. You can get a PT job yourself.

And big old fat PS, be careful when you say you have no food. There are actual starving people living today under the same moon. They would probably give you an eye for the food you have. Are you freaking KIDDING me, you have no food?

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