English comparitives⦅急 20點⦆

2013-05-10 4:09 am
請列出全部IRREGULAR COMPARITIVES EXCLUDING ill to worse, good to better, bad to worse, much/many/some to more, far to farther/further, little to less. 5 PLZ THX

回答 (2)

2013-05-11 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

01. bad→worse→worst
02. badly→worse→worst
03. evil→worse→worst
04. far(程度)→further→furthest
05. far(距離)→farther→farthest
06. fore→former→foremost/first
07. good→better→the best
08. hind→hinder→hindermost
09. ill→worse→worst
10. late→later→latest/last
11. less→lesser→least
12. little→less→least
13. many→more→most
14. much→more→most
15. near(近)→nearer→nearest/next
16. near(下方)→nether→nethermost
17. nigh→nigher→nighest/next
18. old(長輩)→elder→eldest
19. old(年齡)→older→oldest
20. outer→outmost/outermost(※只有comparitive及superlative)
21. utter→utmost/uttermost(※只有comparitive及superlative)
22. upper→upmost/uppermost(※只有comparitive及superlative)
23. well(健康)→better→best
2013-05-10 11:49 pm
Basically, all we need is to add
(er & the est )

see examples below

big bigger the biggest
long longer the longest
small smaller the smallest
tall taller the tallest
few fewer the fewest

good better the best
bad worse the worst
many more the most
much more the most

He is taller than me
He is shorter than you

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:50:06
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