calculus question

2013-05-10 12:56 am
y = f(x) = x^3 + 10x^2 + 21x + 4

(a) find all stationary points of f and determine, with reason(s), which are local maxima or local minima.
(b) show that the equation f(x) = 0 has exactly one root on [-4, -2] and one root on [-1, 1].
(c) use Newton's method to approximate the two roots in part (b). choose x0 = -3 and x0 = 0 as the initial guesses, and perform 4 iterations.
(d) find the y-intercepts of f(x) and f'(x), respectively.
(e) based on the information obtained from parts (a)-(d) above, sketch the curves of f(x) and f'(x) for -7<= x <= -3.
(f) approximate the curve y = f(x) by a piecewise linear function with a step size of 2 and hence estimate the length of the curve between x = -7 and x = 3.

need steps and explanation briefly. thanks!!!!!

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2013-05-10 10:43 pm
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