
2013-05-09 8:20 am
我是從事幼兒教育業務的, 有客戶有興趣投資我業務的 "特許經營權", (Franchise)

1/ 請問我如何可計算我業務或公司的現價值?

2/ 及如何製定收取一個合理的 "特許經營費"?

謝謝 !

回答 (1)

2013-05-09 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is up to you how to calculate.

As a fact, when estimating your company's value, the method for the estimate will be included as a reference.

Usually, the company's value will be based on:

a. Your entire investment;

b. All available assets and capital;

c. Future net income expectation

2. Again - it is up to you based on Franchise agreement.

For example, some franchises will simply ask the investor to provide the capital, and the company will form everything for them.

So without detail, there is no way to answer your question.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 14:42:16
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