What happens to my pair of contacts if i wear them for over a month?

2013-05-08 7:52 pm
ok so i lost 2 out of my 3 pack contacts(both left contacts)and i obviously wore the last remaining ones from that pack.I just assumed that after a month you wear a new pair but would it make a difference if i say wear them for 2 months?If i don't then it will also be a waste for my contacts for the right eye and 2 out of the 6 months will also be wasted because i lost a few of the left ones!i know im to blame and i dont need a reminder but if you could just answer my question & give me advice then i'd be more than happy!

回答 (3)

2013-05-08 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As your contacts age, they allow less oxygen to reach your eye surface. Lack of oxygen to your corneas can cause eye damage. Blood vessels can invade your corneas and cause cornea scaring and loss of sight. So, what is more important your sight or saving money?
參考: I've had a cornea transplant on my left eye and need one on my right eye because of a genetic problem.
2013-05-08 7:55 pm
dont waste your cornea for the sake of easily replaceable lenses.
2013-05-08 10:02 pm
After a month contacts aren't able to transmit oxygen to your eye properly. If you constantly deprive your eye of oxygen then your vision can be damamged permanently beyond glasses to correct adn there aren't many symptoms before its too late.

Not qutie sure which ones you've lost, but if its more of one eye than the other they can order a box of lenses for just one eye. A box is teh minimum you can get, but you don'thave to have a box for each eye. If it was just one lens then your optician might possibly give you a trial lens, depends how good a customer you are.

I don't blame you for losing them - bound to happen sooner or later, but you do have to budget a bit over for occasional losses or other problems. If you don't need it then spend it at the end of the budget period, but contacts aren't cheap and need to be part of the budget.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:45:04
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