Why do most Christians fail to respect the laws of the Old Testament?

2013-05-08 7:34 pm
I understand that Paul lessened the effect of them - he said that bacon is now clean, physical circumcision etc is not necessary,
But "salvation through grace" is definitely not a reason to think the 10 commandments don't apply to you, more like the grace means that you may repent through Jesus/Yeshua's name if/when you fail to keep a commandment as is the fallen nature of man, but you should show your allegiance to YHWH (God) though following the 10 laws to the best of your ability, rather than feel excused from them and have a free licence to behave how you want. At least that is how I understand it.

I'm not preaching but I'm curious as to how you justify it in this way that most Christians I meet tend to. Don't take it as an attack, just curiosity.

Edit - Jesus did teach us to follow Jewish laws and to keep the Saturday sabbath

回答 (25)

2013-05-10 7:20 am
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Because of the leaders of mainstream Christianity. Most of the "churches" are confined by government regulations. Those in the USA are (the vast majority of) IRS 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporations. This is true of all the mainstream denominations too, as well as almost all the offshoot nutcases also.

In the UK, the comparable is true and has been for much longer than the present phenomena in the USA. Both groups have led (first Great Britain, then "American") missionary efforts worldwide. This is NOT how the original apostles missionary efforts were made. There are some distinct similarities, and some distinct dissimilarities. Christian efforts within a non-profit (or not for profit) Corporation are disabled at best. An accurate picture would be a missionary doing full time efforts from a wheel chair. Certainly, the most important aspect is the sincerity of the evangelist, not their physical abilities. But when all the evangelistic efforts are being performed by crippled servants, most of whom do not even know they are not fully able bodied (spiritually at least) promoting "the Truth, the Life, and the Way" God has freely provided for us all is the blind trying to lead the blind.

There IS value in these institutions. What there is NOT value in is letting them continue to believe they are biblical, and superior (right) to those who DO live/serve biblical lives. Serving like Paul and Peter (a tent maker and a fisherman).

When we start to chose Pastors who've been to prison for their faith in Christ IN the USA, or the UK, we'll be on the right track finally. Until then, it's the blind leading the blind most of the time.
2013-05-08 7:42 pm
Dear Friend,

It is more than just the 10 Commandments that man is to obey. It is also what the Holy Spirit reveals to us as to whether or not something may violate God's standard for our lives.

We are to have a reverent fear of almighty God. God's character has not changed. He is still the God of love and of wrath. When Jesus returns, He is looking for a Bride (body of believers/His Church) that is without spot, wrinkle or any such thing. He doesn't want a bride that isn't spiritually ...clean.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:48, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." This word 'perfect' does not mean physically perfect. It means to become 'spiritually' perfect with God's "likeness"...His character. The Fruit of the Spirit.

Jesus also tells us,"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." 1 John 3:9

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creature: OLD things are passed away; behold, all things are become ...NEW."

God's Word is His "spiritual" Instruction Manual for man to live a safe, abundant life in Him.

2013-05-08 8:00 pm
Because they are yet unsaved. You by the way are wrong.

Paul does not have the authority to lessen the effect of anything. Only God has that authority.

Paul never said bacon was clean. He said food (bacon is not food to a first century Jew and believe it or not most of the converts at the time were Jews) should not be regarded as common which is a Jewish addition to the law.. Common meaning Not Kosher according to the Pharisees Laws .. not the law of Moses.

Paul never said circumcision was unnessary, He said it was unnessacary to be circumcised as a Jew in order to be a believer. There is a huge difference. When Paul was battling Judaizers that is exactly what they taught. Paul did not teach against the law of circumcision but against becoming a Jew What "Christians" always over look is that Immediatly after the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 he had Timothy circumcised in Acts 16.

It is not only the ten commandments that you should obey but every word that proceeded from the mouth of God.. which Yeshua Qouted from the Old testament.

They can't justify it. They claim they are under a new covenant but are at a loss to explain the new covenant from a biblical perspective but rattle on about what they feel the new covenant is. They claim that Messiah fulfilled all the law and the prophets yet can't explain why 30 % of the prophecies about the messiah haven't been fulfilled or why all of the prophecies about the end times haven't either. It is beyond my comprehesion of just they think the definition of "all is accomplished" is since in my book all means all .. not the parts I wish was all.

Or how about Luke 16:17 which states that it is easier that heaven and earth would pass away before one stroke of a letter of the law would fail... Last I knew heaven and earth were still around.

What part of It is not the hearers of the law but the doers of the law that will be justified do they not get.. And that from Paul their "I'm free from the law" hero.

Hope is certianty... You have fallen for one of the big lies Yeshua was not harvesting grain He was plucking off ears as he walked through the field rubbing it between his hands blowing of the chaff and eating the grain. There is no law against feeding yourself in the Old testement.. Not even on sabbath. It was a man made law that the Pharisees made up that he was breaking. If Yeshua ever broke the sabbath he would not have been blameless and you are yet in your sins because he was not a lamb without blemish. Try actually understanding the culture and perhaps even a little bit of horticulture before you open your mouth and prove you know nothing

It is akin to plucking and apple off of a tree rubbing cleaning it on your garment and eating it. Do you call that Work?

2 shephards.. which obviously you haven't. The sabbath was made for man... So he could rest from his labor! Not worry about some 100s of manmade traditions on how someone thinks the sabbath should be kept.

Asker Again you are wrong. He never instructed his followers to keep Jewish laws.. In fact he told them not to... He did instruct them to keep Gods Law.. there is a big differance. He told his followers to beware of the leaven of the pharisees which is false doctrine... those are the Jewish laws. Like not plucking the heads off an ear of grain or washing your hands in a certian manner before eating bread or that meat untithed upon was common and you shouldn't eat it. etc etc etc.

Randaesh YHVH Bless you! I feel very alone here sometimes.

Hogie I just can't let your dribble go unanswered. THERE WAS NO NEW TESTEMENT LAW OF FAITH AND LOVE when Jeremiah originally defined just exactly what the New Covenant was. For you to say so proves how far you have fallen. It is an embarressment to the mainstream christians and especially you Hogie since at one time you knew that they can't define the New Covenant from the bible but make up a bunch of esoterical nonsense that makes them feel good. The law written in your heart is Gods Law. There was no other law. It doesn't say I will write part of the law in your heart he said All of it. He certainly would not exclude the sabbath day that he mentions and enjoins his people over 500 times in the Old testement to keep. Further you lie and you know it when you say NO WORK AT ALL you know as well as anyone that you were to do no customary work. That sabbath was made for man so he wouldn't work himself to death. By the way you do know that the Sabbath is a sabbath unto the Lord right. Well we can see who your lord is can't we. Certainly not YHVH.

Another thing fallen one. Eph 2 specifically says that once you accept Yeshua you are party to the same covenants and promises as Israel.. What part of that do you not understand. Guess Christians are beholden to the law after all.
2013-05-08 7:49 pm
Matthew 22:36-40

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
2016-10-04 11:06 pm
The previous testomony The Prtoestant Christian Bibles have 39 Books, Roman Catholic Bibles have 40 six Books, eastern Catholic/Orthodox Bibles have 40 8 Books, Jewish Bibles have 24 Books. Torah a million. Genesis 2. Exidus 3. Leviticus 4. Numbers 5. Deuteronomy Nevi'im 6. Joshua 7. decide 8. Samuel 9. Kings 10. Isaiah 11. Jeremiah 12. Ezekiel 13. The Twelve Prophets - Hosea - Joel - Amos - Obadiah - Jonah - Micah - Nahum - Habakkuk - Zephaniah - Haggi - Zechariah - Malachi Ketuvim - Books of certainty 14. Psalms 15. Proverbs sixteen. job Ketuvim - 5 Scrolls 17. music of Songs 18. Ruth 19. Lamenations 20. Ecclesiastes 21. Esther Ketuvim - Writings 22. Daniel 23. Ezra-Nehemiah 24. Chronicles
2013-05-09 2:22 pm
The old "testament" is also a "covenant" and Christians are not a legal party to that covenant.

You say we should follow the ten commandments, else we have free license to do as we please. This shows a lack of understanding regarding the new covenant "law" of faith and love.

If you comply with the command not to murder, but you hate someone, then you are still guilty. Hatred is the spirit of murder.

I do not need a written law to tell me not to murder. If you need said law, then that says volumes for your heart. I abide by the NC command to have love even for my enemies.

Those who do not understand the spirit of the law always default to the letter of the law.

"Edit - Jesus did teach us to follow Jewish laws and to keep the Saturday sabbath"

You are quite mistaken. In Mt. 5, He cites the Law, and shows how it is lacking. He even negates law. He totally disagreed with the law concerning divorce in Mt. 19. And in John 5, states it is not a sin to do good on the sabbath, as contrasted to doing evil. The law demanded no work be done, regardless.

2013-05-08 9:16 pm
Jesus fulfilled the old law by walking in perfect love all the way to the cross where Jesus ushered in a new covenant at his death, a will can only go into effect when the one who made it is proven dead. (Hebrews 10:16-18) where your sins and lawless acts I will remember no more and where these have been taken away there is no longer any sacrifice for sin.
2013-05-08 7:56 pm
If one focuses their attention on the laws with the intent to obey; one will fail. (Remember, to break even one of the least of the laws is to break the whole law). If one surrenders their will to God and accepts his Holy Spirit (as all first century church believers did), then he will do by nature those things contained in the law, not by constraint, but by the gentle leading of God. Romans 2: 14 says, "For the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: (15) which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or excusing one another (judgment through the Holy Spirit). What makes this seemingly irrelevant to modern Christianity is the fact that through desire to please the masses, modern pastors have down-played the importance of the indwelling of God's spirit, making their converts "half baked" or incomplete and in most cases, still under the law which no man can keep and can not be fulfilled except through the Spirit of God. The Old Testament made room for these errors by the daily sacrifice or entering once a year into the Holy of Holies to sprinkle the blood of bulls and goats onto the mercy seat. That same mercy seat has now been sprinkled once and for all by the blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus the Christ, the messiah of Israel and all mankind). The Arc of the Covenant which God instructed Moses to build, has been found in a cavern (Jeremiah's Grotto) located under Golgotha in Jerusalem. Angels which protect the Arc struck dead Levites sent in to retrieve the artifact because they wanted to reinstate the daily animal sacrifice. A Christian archaeologist who God led to the whereabouts of the Arc, God allowed in to remove the dead bodies. The official report says their vehicle hit a land mine (not true). Just as the Old Testament priests had to wear pomegranate bells around the lower fringe of their garments (so those outside the veil could hear them moving and know they were still alive) and they had to have a rope tied about one ankle, so they could be dragged out from the Holy place should they offend God and be struck dead, there is grave danger involved in trying to alter God's plan for humanity. God said he would give us a better covenant through his Son, in whom he is well pleased; who sacrificed himself for sin, once and for all time. Concerning keeping the Sabbath; Jesus is our role model. Jesus himself did not keep the Sabbath; his accusers used that against him to send him to the cross, and it was not a lie. Jesus did heal on the Sabbath, which was considered work. He traveled on the Sabbath to get to those he was to heal (also breaking the Sabbath law). Jesus taught us to keep the spirit of the law (not the letter). He said the whole law was based on "Love the Lord your God; and, love your neighbor as yourself." The letter of the law kills, but the spirit of the law gives life.
2013-05-08 7:54 pm
Jesus only taught that because they were under the old covenant at that time.

after the death and resurrection we became under the new covenant.
with the changing of the "law" (covenant) we also had a changing of the priesthood from levitical to melchizedek.
so Jewish people can still keep the law and holy days as it is part of their culture but it isn't required for salvation. the Sabbath was given for the Israelites for coming out of Egypt bondage and does not apply to the new covenant except as a foreshadowing.

this is why Paul says he can be to the Jew a Jew and to the Gentile a Gentile in that it doesn't matter towards salvation. but if you try to be justified by the old covenant then you will be condemned.

scripture tells us the old covenant and 10 commandments were nailed to the cross. that they are old and fading away.

The old covenant was a foreshadowing of the new covenant (a better covenant) and Jesus fulfills ALL the foreshadowing of the old covenant. now that we have the new covenant why would you look to the old covenant to save you (which it cant)

Gal 3:24-25 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

Col. 2:13-15 And you, being dead in your trespasses … He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

2 Cor. 3:7-11 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? … For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.

Rom 7:6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held
by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

Gal. 5:1-4 1Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

Heb. 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law.

Heb. 7:18 For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness,

Heb. 8:13 In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Heb. 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
I should also say that 9 of the 10 commandments are renewed under the new covenant. the only one not renewed is keeping the Sabbath.
2013-05-08 7:51 pm
Paul most certainly did not lessen the weight of the law, and neither did Jesus, who amplified the law in the sermon on the mount.
Not one jot or tittle changes till all is accomplished.
Some of the ways the law is kept have changed, and it is a source of confusion for some to recognize, the Sabbath is now kept daily, in that Jesus is our Sabbath rest, and Lord of the Sabbath, which was made for men (man was not made for the Sabbath).
Thus all days are kept holy.

Paul pointed out the impossibility of man keeping the law, and that its purpose was to show men how desperately they needed a mediator between God and man. As promised, God made it possible for men to write the law in their hearts, by receiving the Holy Spirit, and thereby allowing Him headship of their lives.
參考: The Bible

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